Evaluation and validation of disease management module for Alternaria Blight in Mustard



Published Apr 17, 2022
Jai Singh Ashish Kumar A. K. Chaubey


Leaf blight of mustard is one of the major constraints for its successful cultivation and may be attributed to cause substantially high yield losses. Integrated Disease Management (IDM) practices, found suitable against Alternaria blight, developed and evaluated elsewhere, are here by tested and validated as IDM module with slight modifications as per local requirements. This is basically to demonstrate the benefit of good available technology to farmers as on farm trials (OFT). The comparative efficacy of four different treatments were incredibly convincing for the farmers. It was realized that all three modules were significantly superior over prevailing farmers’ practice. Overall, seed treatment with aqueous garlic bulb extract @ 5% (w/v) along with one spray of aqueous garlic bulb extract @5% (w/v) at 45 DAS followed by one foliar spray of Mancozeb-75% WP @ 2.5g/l at 75 DAS (T4) found most effective in reducing disease incidence consecutively for three years and average reduction in disease severity of 71.90%. Besides, reduction in disease severity significant increase in yield and yield attributing characters could be observed using this treatment. The average yield increase of 37.30% could be recorded with maximum B:C of 2.56. In this way, treatment improved production and other yield parameters without imposing any drastic input burden to farmers, as evidenced by cost and benefit estimates. Therefore, it can be concluded that T4 can be considered for improved sustainable package of practice for Alternaria blight management of Mustard

How to Cite

Singh, J. ., Kumar, A., & Chaubey, A. K. (2022). Evaluation and validation of disease management module for Alternaria Blight in Mustard. Environment Conservation Journal, 23(1&2), 272–277. https://doi.org/10.36953/ECJ.0211096-2277


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IDM, Mustard, Alternaria blight, Garlic extract

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