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In the present investigation an attempt has been made to evaluate nutritive values of local fishes available in Wani area from Nirgudariver and Wardhariver. The present study was carried out during the period of Nov. 2008 to Oct. 2009. During study the survey, collection, identification and biochemical analysis of local fishes was done. The results of present study showed that all the fishes were rich in protein content, maximum protein content found in Anguilla bengalensis 29.34 % and minimum found in Punctius curmuca10.34 %.  Lipid contents of fishes were low and varied from 1.23 % in Rasboradaniconius to 6.54 % in Heteropneustes fossilis Glycogen content of fishes were negligible and varies from 0.11 % in Ostebramacotioto 0.090% in Cyprinuscarpio.


Biochemical analysis Wardhariver Nirguda river Local fishes Protein Lipid Carbohydrate

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How to Cite
Khamankar, D., Kamdi, R. R., & Sawane, A. P. (2012). Evaluation of nutritive value of local fishes in Wani region, Dist. Yavatmal, (Maharashtra). Environment Conservation Journal, 13(1&2), 157–160.


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