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Responses of a freshwater pulmonate snail Lymnae aluteola L. to copper, cadmium and mercury were observed at four temperatures in the range of 15.0 oC to 30.0 oC. Acute static bioassays were carried out at 15.0 oC, 20.0 oC, 25.0 oC and 30.0 oC to determine the percent mortality and median lethal concentrations (LC50) and their 95 percent confidence limits. The acute toxicity of mercury, copper and mercury increased with the increase of temperature from 15oCto 30oC. The 96 h LC50 values and percent mortality indicate that metals at 15oCwas least toxic while at 30oC it was highly toxic.


Temperature dependence heavy metals LC50 snails

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Das, S., Sharma , A. K., & Ahmad, T. (2012). The temperature dependence of the acute toxicity of heavy metals (cadmium, copper and mercury) to a freshwater pond snail, Lymnae aluteola L. Environment Conservation Journal, 13(1&2), 11–15.


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