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The present limnological investigations include analysis of various physico- chemical parameters at the selected site in Wular lake, Kashmir (a Ramsar site) from March, 2007 to February, 2008. The aim of current study was to evaluate the status of the Wular lake water on the basis of different physico-chemical conditions. The water depth ranged from 1.35 (m) to 2.60 (m). The pH of the water was on alkaline side throughout the study period. The lake depicted the usual cation progression: Ca > Mg. The lake can be categorized as calcium rich after Ohle (1934). Specific conductance was found low in spring and summer. High values of transparency were recorded in winter. The lake water is typical hard water type. The alkalinity was due to bicarbonates only. High values of both NO3–N (338 ?g/L) and PO4–P (203 ?g/L) were recorded during summer. Statistical analysis was also carried out to find out the degree of relationship between various abiotic factors. Dissolved oxygen showed significant negative correlation with water temperature (r = –0.839), whereas significant positive correlation with pH (r = 0.854) at the selected site. pH showed significant negative correlation with water temperature (r = –0.777) and CO2 (r = –0.854) respectively, at the selected site.


Abiotic factors alkalinity calcium rich correlation water quality parameters limnological

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How to Cite
Parveen, S. ., & Ganai, A. H. . (2013). Physico-chemical conditions at Watlab ghat in Wular lake, Kashmir. Environment Conservation Journal, 14(3), 1–7.


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