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The freshwater gastropod Bellamya bengalensis exposed to 69.18ppm concentration of detergent (Tide) on lipid content in the tissue of foot, mantle and digestive glands for 96 hours exposure. Compare to control group there was significant change in lipid contents from foot, mantle and digestive glands in detergent exposed groups. Total lipids in the digestive gland increased after 96 hrs of exposure to detergent (Tide). The percent change in lipid level is +13.87. But in case of foot and mantle, decrease of lipids was observed at 96 hrs exposure. This may be due to increased lipid synthesis or probably to facilitate transfer of materials from the storage organ to other parts of the body.


Bellamya bengalensis TIDE detergent Lipid alteration foot mantle digestive gland

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How to Cite
Kumari, P. R. . (2013). Acute effect of detergent on lipid alteration in freshwater gastropod Bellamya bengalensis (Lamarck). Environment Conservation Journal, 14(1&2), 41–45.


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