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The present paper deals with the Dominance, Diversity and Evenness of waterfowl observed during Oct. 2007 to Sept. 2009 at Sirpur lake (also known as Sirpur Tank), Indore. The highest Dominance, Diversity and Evenness was observed 0.0722 (March, 2008), 3.0449 (March, 2008) and 0.9100 (Jul, 2008) respectively, while lowest values of these indices were observed 0.2537 (Aug 2008), 1.2284 (Aug, 2009) and 0.5418 (Jan, 2009) respectively.



Diversity Dominance Evenness Sirpur tank Waterfowl

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Malhotra, M. ., Prakash, M. ., & Pawar, K. . (2014). Dominance, diversity and evenness of Waterfowl: A case study of Sirpur tank, Indore (M.P.). Environment Conservation Journal, 15(3), 115–119.


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