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The present study was performed to describe length-weight relationship of ecological and commercial important exotic fish brown trout (Salmo trutta fario L.) inhabited in River Asiganga, a tributary of River Bhagirathi. The knowing of length-weight relationship is important because it provides information on the life history of species and an input to the assessment of fishery resource of the region. The length-weight relationship was estimated as: Log W = 0.310 + 3.096 Log L for males, Log W = 0.291 + 3.040 Log L for females and Log W = 0.302 + 3.073 Log L for overall. The coefficient of correlation (r) for the length-weight relationship was estimated 0.985 which showed a high degree of positive correlation between the length and weight of the fish. The condition factor (K) value was estimated highest 1.473±0.694 for the male and 1.357±0.210 for the female sex during winter.


Asiganga brown trout condition factor Length-weight relationship

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How to Cite
Rawat, M. ., Bantwan, B. ., Singh , D. ., & Gusain, O. . (2014). Length-weight relationship and condition factor of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario L.) from River Asiganga, Uttarakhand (India). Environment Conservation Journal, 15(3), 41–46.


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