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In Ayurveda, all skin diseases have been described under kushtha & "Ekkushta" has been described under the disease "KshudraKushtha”(A type of Kustha).Ekkushthais due to vitiation of Vata & Kapha.In Ayurveda psoriasis can be correlated with Ekakushta due to very much similarity in their symptoms. Psoriasis is one of the most common skin disease affecting about 2% of the US population. Males & females of all age groups are equally affected. Psoriasis is a non infectious chronic relapsing inflammatory skin disease having unknown etiology characterised by well defined dry scaly erythematous patches and covered with adherent silvery white scales.Winter aggravation is frequent.The prevalence of disease has been increased in the present era due to faulty lifestyle and food habits thus it is a big challenge for ayurveda to check its occurrence by making people aware about the role of ahar-vihar because it play important role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis.


lifestyle behavioural Psoriasis analysis

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How to Cite
Singh , S. ., & Goyal , D. (2016). Critical analysis of life style modification (Diet & Behavioral) in the pathogenesis of Psoriasis. Environment Conservation Journal, 17(3), 125–127.


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