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The present study was carried out in oak (Quercus leucotrichophora) dominated forest of Pauri. Two permanent plots were selected of which one was BPS and other was UBPS. The vegetational data were analysed for both the sites i.e., floristic composition, density, basal cover, A/F, Shannon Wiener index and Simpson’s index of dominance (cd). A total of 6-8 trees species and 24-26 shrub species were found on both BPS and UBPS. BPS showed maximum density than UBPS. Contagious pattern of distribution was common. This paper represents a close association among man, fire and forest ecosystem.
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- Baduni, N.P., and Sharma, C.M., 1997. Effect of aspect on the structure of some natural stands of Cupressus torulosa in Himalayan Moist temperate forests. Proceeding of Indian National Science Academy, 1362: 345-352
- Champion, H. G., and Seth, S. K., 1968. A revised survey of the forest types of India. Manager of Publications Govt. of India press. Nasik, India.
- Curtis, J.T., and Cottam, G., 1956. Plant Ecology Work Book. Burgess Publishing Co. Mi.
- Curtis, J.T., McIntosh, R.P., 1950. The interrelation of certain analytic and synthetic phytosociological characters. Ecology, 31: 434-455.
- Ghildiyal, S., Baduni, N.P., Khandari, V.P., and Sharma, C.M., 1998. Community structure and composition of oak forest along altitudinal gradients in Garhwal Himalaya. Indian Journal of Forestry, 21(3): 242-247.
- IFFN, 2002. Invasion of Exotic weeds in the Natural Forests of Tropical India due to Forest Fire - A threat to biodiversity. No.27, 90-92
- Iqbal, Kaiser., Bhat, A. Jahangeer., Pala, A. Nazir., and Negi, K. A., 2012. Structure and composition estimation of plant species around Khoh River of Garhwal Himalaya, India. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences, 2(9): 1-11.
- Jina, B.S., 2006. Monitoring and Estimation of Carbon Sequestration in Oak and Pine Forest of Varying level of Disturbances in Kumaun Central Himalaya, PhD Thesis submitted to Kumaun University, Nainital, India.
- Joshi, Raj Nabin., Ashish, Tewari., and Deepak, Bahadur Chand., 2013. Impact of Forest fire and aspect on phytosociology, tree biomass and carbon stock in Oak and Pine mixed Forests of Kumaun central Himalaya, India. Researcher, 5(3):1-8
- Kershaw, K.A., 2nd (ed.) 1986. Quantitative and Dynamic Plant Ecology. FLBS and Edwards Arnold Limited, Publication London: 308.
- Kharkwal, G., 2009. Qualitative analysis of tree species in evergreen forests of Kumaun Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India. African Journal of Plant Science, 3 (3) :49-52.
- Kharkwal, G., Mehrotra, P., and Pangtey, Y. P. S., 2005.Comparative studies on species richness, diversity and composition of oak forest in Nainital District, Uttaranchal, Current science, 89 :668-672.
- Kumar, Munesh., and Bhatt, Vishwapati., 2006. Plant biodiversity and conservation of forests in foot hills of Garhwal Himalaya. A Journal of Ecology and application, 11(2): 43-59.
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- Ralhan, P.K., Saxena, A.K., and Singh, J.S., 1982. Analysis of forest vegetation at and around Nainital in Kumaun Himalaya. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy. B 48:121-137.
- Ram, J., Kumar, A., and Bhatt, J., 2004. Plant diversity in six forest types of Uttaranchal, Central Himalaya, India. Current science, 86: 975-978.
- Raturi, G.P., 2012. Forest community structure along altitudinal gradient of district Rudraprayag of Garhwal Himalaya, India. Ecologia, 2: 76-84
- Rekhari, H.C., Adhikari, B. S., and Rawat, Y.S., 1997. Woody species composition of temperate forests along an elevation gradient in Indian central Himalaya. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 10 (2):197-211
- Rikhari, H. C., Chandra, R., and Singh, S. P., 1989. Patterns of species distribution and community along a moisture gradient within and Oak Zone of Kumaun Himalaya. Proceeding of Indian National Academy, B. 55: 431-438
- Rikhari, H.C., and Palni, L.M.S., 1999. Fire affects ground flora dynamics of forest ecosystem: A case study from central Himalaya. Tropical Ecology, 40: 145-151.
- Saxena, A. K., and Singh, J. S., 1982. A phytosociological analysis of woody species in forest communities of a part of Kumaun Himalaya. Vegetation, 50: 3-22.
- Saxena, A.K., Singh, S.P. and Singh, J.S., 1984. Population structure of forest of Kumaun Himalaya: Implications for Management.Journal of Environment Management, 19: 307-324.
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- Sharma, Pankaj., Rana, J.C., Usha, Devi., Randhawa, S.S., and Kumar, Rajesh., 2014. Floristic diversity and Distribution pattern of plant communities along altitudinal gradient Sangla valley, Northwest Himalayas. The Scientific World Journal, 1-11.
- Simpson, E.H., 1949. Measurement of diversity. Nature, 163: 68.
- Singh, Gajendra., Hitendra Padalia., Rai, I.D., Bharti, R.R., and Rawat, G.S., 2016. Spatial extent and conservation status of Banj oak (Quercus leucotrichophora A. Camus) forests in Uttarakhand, Western Himalaya. Tropical Ecology, 57(2): 255-262.
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- Singh, Nandan., Tamta, Kamini., Tewari, Ashish., and Ram, Jeet., 2014. Studies on Vegetational Analysis and Regeneration status of Pinus Roxburghii, Roxb. and Quercus Leucotrichophora Forests of Nainital Forest Division. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: C Biological Science, 14: 41-48.
- Singh, S. P., Adhikari, B. S., and Zobel, D. B., 1994. Biomass productivity, leaf longevity and forest structure in Central Himalaya. Ecology Monograph, 64: 401-421.
- Suding, K.N., and Gross, K.L., 2006. The dynamic nature of ecological systems: multiple states and restoration trajectories. Foundation of Restoration Ecology, 190-209.
- Tewari, I. C., and Singh, S. P., (ed.) 1981.Vegetational analysis of a forest lying in transitional zone between lower and upper Himalaya moist temperate forest. In: G. S. Paliwal, The Vegetational Wealth of Himalaya. Priya Publishes, New Delhi, 104-119.
- Tiwari, A.K., 1983. Analysis of vegetation and land use in parts of Kumaun Himalaya through remote sensing and traditional techniques. PhD thesis submitted to Kumaun University, Nainital, India
- Tiwari, S.C., Rawat, K.S., and Semwal, R.L., 1986. Forest fire in Garhwal Himalaya. A case study of mixed forest. Journal of Himalayan Studies and Regional Development, 9(10): 45 – 56.
- Tripathi, B. S., Rikhari, H. C., and Singh, R. P., 1987. Dominance and diversity distribution in certain forest of Kumaun Himalayas. IX International symposium on tropical ecology, 235.
Baduni, N.P., and Sharma, C.M., 1997. Effect of aspect on the structure of some natural stands of Cupressus torulosa in Himalayan Moist temperate forests. Proceeding of Indian National Science Academy, 1362: 345-352
Champion, H. G., and Seth, S. K., 1968. A revised survey of the forest types of India. Manager of Publications Govt. of India press. Nasik, India.
Curtis, J.T., and Cottam, G., 1956. Plant Ecology Work Book. Burgess Publishing Co. Mi.
Curtis, J.T., McIntosh, R.P., 1950. The interrelation of certain analytic and synthetic phytosociological characters. Ecology, 31: 434-455.
Ghildiyal, S., Baduni, N.P., Khandari, V.P., and Sharma, C.M., 1998. Community structure and composition of oak forest along altitudinal gradients in Garhwal Himalaya. Indian Journal of Forestry, 21(3): 242-247.
IFFN, 2002. Invasion of Exotic weeds in the Natural Forests of Tropical India due to Forest Fire - A threat to biodiversity. No.27, 90-92
Iqbal, Kaiser., Bhat, A. Jahangeer., Pala, A. Nazir., and Negi, K. A., 2012. Structure and composition estimation of plant species around Khoh River of Garhwal Himalaya, India. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences, 2(9): 1-11.
Jina, B.S., 2006. Monitoring and Estimation of Carbon Sequestration in Oak and Pine Forest of Varying level of Disturbances in Kumaun Central Himalaya, PhD Thesis submitted to Kumaun University, Nainital, India.
Joshi, Raj Nabin., Ashish, Tewari., and Deepak, Bahadur Chand., 2013. Impact of Forest fire and aspect on phytosociology, tree biomass and carbon stock in Oak and Pine mixed Forests of Kumaun central Himalaya, India. Researcher, 5(3):1-8
Kershaw, K.A., 2nd (ed.) 1986. Quantitative and Dynamic Plant Ecology. FLBS and Edwards Arnold Limited, Publication London: 308.
Kharkwal, G., 2009. Qualitative analysis of tree species in evergreen forests of Kumaun Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India. African Journal of Plant Science, 3 (3) :49-52.
Kharkwal, G., Mehrotra, P., and Pangtey, Y. P. S., 2005.Comparative studies on species richness, diversity and composition of oak forest in Nainital District, Uttaranchal, Current science, 89 :668-672.
Kumar, Munesh., and Bhatt, Vishwapati., 2006. Plant biodiversity and conservation of forests in foot hills of Garhwal Himalaya. A Journal of Ecology and application, 11(2): 43-59.
Misra, R., (ed.) 1968. Ecology Work Book, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., Ne.
Odum, EP., 3rd (ed.) 1971.Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia. USA. of Wisconsin, Madison: 657.
Panchal, N.S., and Pandey, A.N., 2004. Analysis of vegetation of Rampara forest in Saurashtra region of Gujarat state of India. Tropical Ecology, 45(2): 223-231.
Phillips, E.A., 1959. Methods of Vegetation Study. Henry Holt, Reinhart and Winston Co., New York.
Ralhan, P.K., Saxena, A.K., and Singh, J.S., 1982. Analysis of forest vegetation at and around Nainital in Kumaun Himalaya. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy. B 48:121-137.
Ram, J., Kumar, A., and Bhatt, J., 2004. Plant diversity in six forest types of Uttaranchal, Central Himalaya, India. Current science, 86: 975-978.
Raturi, G.P., 2012. Forest community structure along altitudinal gradient of district Rudraprayag of Garhwal Himalaya, India. Ecologia, 2: 76-84
Rekhari, H.C., Adhikari, B. S., and Rawat, Y.S., 1997. Woody species composition of temperate forests along an elevation gradient in Indian central Himalaya. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 10 (2):197-211
Rikhari, H. C., Chandra, R., and Singh, S. P., 1989. Patterns of species distribution and community along a moisture gradient within and Oak Zone of Kumaun Himalaya. Proceeding of Indian National Academy, B. 55: 431-438
Rikhari, H.C., and Palni, L.M.S., 1999. Fire affects ground flora dynamics of forest ecosystem: A case study from central Himalaya. Tropical Ecology, 40: 145-151.
Saxena, A. K., and Singh, J. S., 1982. A phytosociological analysis of woody species in forest communities of a part of Kumaun Himalaya. Vegetation, 50: 3-22.
Saxena, A.K., Singh, S.P. and Singh, J.S., 1984. Population structure of forest of Kumaun Himalaya: Implications for Management.Journal of Environment Management, 19: 307-324.
Shannon, C.E., and Wiener, W., 1963. The Mathematical Theory of Communication. University of Illinois Press, Urbana, USA, 117.
Sharma, Pankaj., Rana, J.C., Usha, Devi., Randhawa, S.S., and Kumar, Rajesh., 2014. Floristic diversity and Distribution pattern of plant communities along altitudinal gradient Sangla valley, Northwest Himalayas. The Scientific World Journal, 1-11.
Simpson, E.H., 1949. Measurement of diversity. Nature, 163: 68.
Singh, Gajendra., Hitendra Padalia., Rai, I.D., Bharti, R.R., and Rawat, G.S., 2016. Spatial extent and conservation status of Banj oak (Quercus leucotrichophora A. Camus) forests in Uttarakhand, Western Himalaya. Tropical Ecology, 57(2): 255-262.
Singh, J.S., and Yadav, P.S., 1974. Seasonal variation in composition, plant biomass and net primary productivity of tropical grassland of Kurukshetra, India. Ecology Monograph, 44: 351-375.
Singh, Nandan., Tamta, Kamini., Tewari, Ashish., and Ram, Jeet., 2014. Studies on Vegetational Analysis and Regeneration status of Pinus Roxburghii, Roxb. and Quercus Leucotrichophora Forests of Nainital Forest Division. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: C Biological Science, 14: 41-48.
Singh, S. P., Adhikari, B. S., and Zobel, D. B., 1994. Biomass productivity, leaf longevity and forest structure in Central Himalaya. Ecology Monograph, 64: 401-421.
Suding, K.N., and Gross, K.L., 2006. The dynamic nature of ecological systems: multiple states and restoration trajectories. Foundation of Restoration Ecology, 190-209.
Tewari, I. C., and Singh, S. P., (ed.) 1981.Vegetational analysis of a forest lying in transitional zone between lower and upper Himalaya moist temperate forest. In: G. S. Paliwal, The Vegetational Wealth of Himalaya. Priya Publishes, New Delhi, 104-119.
Tiwari, A.K., 1983. Analysis of vegetation and land use in parts of Kumaun Himalaya through remote sensing and traditional techniques. PhD thesis submitted to Kumaun University, Nainital, India
Tiwari, S.C., Rawat, K.S., and Semwal, R.L., 1986. Forest fire in Garhwal Himalaya. A case study of mixed forest. Journal of Himalayan Studies and Regional Development, 9(10): 45 – 56.
Tripathi, B. S., Rikhari, H. C., and Singh, R. P., 1987. Dominance and diversity distribution in certain forest of Kumaun Himalayas. IX International symposium on tropical ecology, 235.