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Increasing urbanization and industrialization is continuously putting a pressure on the ground and fresh water resource in form of quality and quantity. Therefore water recycling through wastewater treatment is the need of the present hour. Therefore in the present study the efficiency of the 3.2MLD sewage treatment plant (STP) based on membrane bioreactor technology (MBR) located in Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) township Aonla, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India was studied. The plant was recently commissioned on 10th of June 2022. The plant shows highest efficiency for turbidity (98.6%) followed by total suspended solids (TSS) (95.7%), chemical oxygen demand (COD) (89.0%), iron (86.7%), and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) (85.0%). The efficiency for the rest of the parameters is below 50%. The MBR based STP is working efficiently as the values of parameters in treated water is within the discharge standards of central pollution control board (CPCB) listed in The Environment (Protection) Rule, 1986. One of the major problems of MBR based STP reported in literature is membrane fouling which is also rectified in the current treatment plant by using sodium hypochlorite for membrane cleaning.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Environment Conservation Journal

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- Ali, S. I., Moustafa, M. H., Nwery, M. S., Farahat, N. S., & Samhan, F. (2022). Evaluating the performance of sequential batch reactor (SBR & ASBR) wastewater treatment plants, case study. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, 18, 100745. DOI:
- APHA (2017). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.21st Edition, American Public Health Association/American Water Works Association/Water Environment Federation, Washington DC.
- Bhutiani, R., & Ahamad, F. (2018). Efficiency assessment of Sand Intermittent Filtration Technology for waste water Treatment. International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, 7(3): 412-421.
- Bhutiani, R., Ahamad, F., & Ruhela, M. (2021). Effect of composition and depth of filter-bed on the efficiency of Sand-intermittent-filter treating the Industrial wastewater at Haridwar, India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 13(1), 88-94. DOI:
- Bhutiani, R., Khanna, D.R., Kumar, R., Ram, K., & Ahamad, F. (2019). Impact assessment of sewage treatment plants’ effluent discharge on the quality of Ganga river at Haridwar, Uttarakhand. Journal of Mountain Research, (2): 77-83. DOI:
- Bhutiani, R., Khanna, D.R., Shubham, & Ahamad, F. (2016). Physico-chemical analysis of sewage water treatment plant at Jagjeetpur, Haridwar, Uttarakhand. Environment Conservation Journal, 17(3): 133-142. DOI:
- Bhutiani, R., Pratap, H., Ahamad, F., Kumar, P., & Kaushik P.D. (2017). Efficiency assessment of effluent treatment plant (ETP) treating an automobile industry effluent (SIDCUL) Haridwar. Environment Conservation Journal, 18(1&2): 95-102. DOI:
- Bolawa, O. E., & Gbenle, G. O. (2012). Analysis of industrial impact on physiochemical parameters and heavy metal concentrations in waters of river Majidun, Molatori and Ibeshe around Ikorodu in Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Science and Water Resources, 1(2), 34-38.
- Bolong, N., Sabli, M. Q. N., Saad, I., & Ali, A. N. A. (2022, February). The efficiency of sewage treatment plant: A case study at the main campus of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS). In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1229, No. 1, p. 012013). IOP Publishing. DOI:
- Cairncross, S., Bartram, J., Cumming, O., & Brocklehurst, C. (2010). Hygiene, sanitation, and water: what needs to be done?. PLoS medicine, 7(11), e1000365. DOI:
- Forrez, I., Carballa, M., Fink, G., Wick, A., Hennebel, T., Vanhaecke, L., & Verstraete, W. (2011). Biogenic metals for the oxidative and reductive removal of pharmaceuticals, biocides and iodinated contrast media in a polishing membrane bioreactor. Water Research, 45(4), 1763-1773. DOI:
- Hur, J., & Kong, D. S. (2008). Use of synchronous fluorescence spectra to estimate biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of urban rivers affected by treated sewage. Environmental technology, 29(4), 435-444. DOI:
- Jafarzadeh Ghehi, T., Mortezaeifar, S., Gholami, M., Rezaei Kalantary, R., & Mahvi, A. H. (2014). Performance evaluation of enhanced SBR in simultaneous removal of nitrogen and phosphorous. Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering, 12, 1-7. DOI:
- Johal, E., Walia, B. S., Saini, M. S., & Jha, M. K. (2014). Efficiency assessment and mathematical correlation development between BOD5 and other parameters in Jalandhar Sewage Treatment. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technolog, 3(6), 13088-13096.
- Khanna, D. R. & Bhutiani, R. (2008). Laboratory manual for water and wastewater analysis.Daya Publishing House, New Delhi.
- Kumar, P. R., Pinto, L. B., & Somashekar, R. K. (2010). Assessment of the efficiency of sewage treatment plants: a comparative study between Nagasandra and Mailasandra sewage treatment plants. Kathmandu university journal of science, engineering and technology, 6(2), 115-125. DOI:
- Kumar, V., Singh, J., & Chopra, A.K. (2018). Assessment of phytokinetic removal of pollutants of paper mill effluent using water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes [Mart.] Solms). Environmental Technology, 39(21): 2781-2791. DOI:
- Lekkerkerker-Teunissen, K., Benotti, M. J., Snyder, S. A., & Van Dijk, H. C. (2012). Transformation of atrazine, carbamazepine, diclofenac and sulfamethoxazole by low and medium pressure UV and UV/H2O2 treatment. Separation and Purification Technology, 96, 33-43. DOI:
- Miura, T., Schaeffer, J., Le Saux, J. C., Le Mehaute, P., & Le Guyader, F. S. (2018). Virus type-specific removal in a full-scale membrane bioreactor treatment process. Food and environmental virology, 10, 176-186. DOI:
- Nelson, M. J., Nakhla, G., & Zhu, J. (2017). Fluidized-bed bioreactor applications for biological wastewater treatment: a review of research and developments. Engineering, 3(3), 330-342. DOI:
- Nghiem, L. D., Schäfer, A. I., & Elimelech, M. (2004). Removal of natural hormones by nanofiltration membranes: measurement, modeling, and mechanisms. Environmental science & technology, 38(6), 1888-1896. DOI:
- Nguyen, L. N., Hai, F. I., Kang, J., Price, W. E., & Nghiem, L. D. (2013). Removal of emerging trace organic contaminants by MBR-based hybrid treatment processes. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 85, 474-482. DOI:
- Osmani, S. A., Rajpal, A., & Kazmi, A. A. (2021). Upgradation of conventional MBBR into Aerobic/Anoxic/Aerobic configuration: A case study of carbon and nitrogen removal based sewage treatment plant. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 40, 101921. DOI:
- Qayoom, U., Bhat, S. U., & Ahmad, I. (2021). Efficiency evaluation of sewage treatment technologies: implications on aquatic ecosystem health. Journal of Water and Health, 19(1), 29-46. DOI:
- Rao, V. V. N., & Shruthi, D. (2002). Performance of sewage treatment plants in Hyderabad-A case study. Pollution Research, 21(2), 191-193.
- Ruhela, M., Wani, A. A., & Ahamad, F. (2020). Efficiency of Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) based sewage treatment plant and its discharge impact on Dal Lake, Jammu & Kashmir, India. Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science, 5(4), 517-524. DOI:
- Sahar, E., Ernst, M., Godehardt, M., Hein, A., Herr, J., Kazner, C., ... & Jekel, M. (2011). Comparison of two treatments for the removal of selected organic micropollutants and bulk organic matter: conventional activated sludge followed by ultrafiltration versus membrane bioreactor. Water Science and Technology, 63(4), 733-740. DOI:
- Salunke, K. A., Bhave, P. P., & Mata, M. M. (2014). Performance status of common effluent treatment plant at Dombivati CETP. Int J Res Eng Technol, 3(9), 48-52. DOI:
- Schaeffer, J., Treguier, C., Piquet, J. C., Gachelin, S., Cochennec-Laureau, N., Le Saux, J. C., ... & Le Guyader, F. S. (2018). Improving the efficacy of sewage treatment decreases norovirus contamination in oysters. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 286, 1-5. DOI:
- Shen, Y., Yang, D., Wu, Y., Zhang, H., & Zhang, X. (2019). Operation mode of a step-feed anoxic/oxic process with distribution of carbon source from anaerobic zone on nutrient removal and microbial properties. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1153. DOI:
- Showkat, U., & Najar, I. A. (2019). Study on the efficiency of sequential batch reactor (SBR)-based sewage treatment plant. Applied Water Science, 9(1), 2. DOI:
- Sima, L. C., Schaeffer, J., Le Saux, J. C., Parnaudeau, S., Elimelech, M., & Le Guyader, F. S. (2011). Calicivirus removal in a membrane bioreactor wastewater treatment plant. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77(15), 5170-5177. DOI:
- Sincero, A. P., & Sincero, G. A. (1996). Environmental Engineering: A design approach. Pearson College Division.
- Singh, S., & Varshney, M. (2013). Evaluation of Functioning of Waste Water Treatment Plant at Chandrawati Education Society, Jaipur: A Case Study. Evaluation, 2(2), 127-139.
- Tadkaew, N., Hai, F. I., McDonald, J. A., Khan, S. J., & Nghiem, L. D. (2011). Removal of trace organics by MBR treatment: the role of molecular properties. Water research, 45(8), 2439-2451. DOI:
- Trivedy, R.K. & Goel, P.K. (1986). Chemical and Biological Methods for Water Pollution Studies. Environmental Publication, Karad (India)
- UNEP (2010). Clearing the Waters. A Focus on Water Quality Solutions. United Nations Environment Programme. Available from: 11822/7906 (accessed June 2019).
- Von Sperling, M. (1996). Design of facultative pond based on uncertainty analysis. Water Science and Technology, 33(7): 41–47. DOI:
- Wang, Z. Z., Li, J., Gao, J. H., & Chang, J. (2010). Anti-shock Loading Performance of A super (2) O/MBR and Optimization of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal. China Water & Wastewater, 26(21), 38-42.
- World Water Assessment Programme (UNESCO WWAP) (2017). Available from: (accessed March 2019).
- Xiang, H. U., Li, X. I. E., Hojae, S. H. I. M., Zhang, S., & Dianhai, Y. A. N. G. (2014). Biological nutrient removal in a full scale anoxic/anaerobic/aerobic/pre-anoxic-MBR plant for low C/N ratio municipal wastewater treatment. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22(4),447-454. DOI:
- Yaqub, M., Asif, H., Kim, S., & Lee, W. (2020). Modeling of a full-scale sewage treatment plant to predict the nutrient removal efficiency using a long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 37, 101388. DOI:
Ali, S. I., Moustafa, M. H., Nwery, M. S., Farahat, N. S., & Samhan, F. (2022). Evaluating the performance of sequential batch reactor (SBR & ASBR) wastewater treatment plants, case study. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, 18, 100745. DOI:
APHA (2017). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.21st Edition, American Public Health Association/American Water Works Association/Water Environment Federation, Washington DC.
Bhutiani, R., & Ahamad, F. (2018). Efficiency assessment of Sand Intermittent Filtration Technology for waste water Treatment. International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, 7(3): 412-421.
Bhutiani, R., Ahamad, F., & Ruhela, M. (2021). Effect of composition and depth of filter-bed on the efficiency of Sand-intermittent-filter treating the Industrial wastewater at Haridwar, India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 13(1), 88-94. DOI:
Bhutiani, R., Khanna, D.R., Kumar, R., Ram, K., & Ahamad, F. (2019). Impact assessment of sewage treatment plants’ effluent discharge on the quality of Ganga river at Haridwar, Uttarakhand. Journal of Mountain Research, (2): 77-83. DOI:
Bhutiani, R., Khanna, D.R., Shubham, & Ahamad, F. (2016). Physico-chemical analysis of sewage water treatment plant at Jagjeetpur, Haridwar, Uttarakhand. Environment Conservation Journal, 17(3): 133-142. DOI:
Bhutiani, R., Pratap, H., Ahamad, F., Kumar, P., & Kaushik P.D. (2017). Efficiency assessment of effluent treatment plant (ETP) treating an automobile industry effluent (SIDCUL) Haridwar. Environment Conservation Journal, 18(1&2): 95-102. DOI:
Bolawa, O. E., & Gbenle, G. O. (2012). Analysis of industrial impact on physiochemical parameters and heavy metal concentrations in waters of river Majidun, Molatori and Ibeshe around Ikorodu in Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Science and Water Resources, 1(2), 34-38.
Bolong, N., Sabli, M. Q. N., Saad, I., & Ali, A. N. A. (2022, February). The efficiency of sewage treatment plant: A case study at the main campus of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS). In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1229, No. 1, p. 012013). IOP Publishing. DOI:
Cairncross, S., Bartram, J., Cumming, O., & Brocklehurst, C. (2010). Hygiene, sanitation, and water: what needs to be done?. PLoS medicine, 7(11), e1000365. DOI:
Forrez, I., Carballa, M., Fink, G., Wick, A., Hennebel, T., Vanhaecke, L., & Verstraete, W. (2011). Biogenic metals for the oxidative and reductive removal of pharmaceuticals, biocides and iodinated contrast media in a polishing membrane bioreactor. Water Research, 45(4), 1763-1773. DOI:
Hur, J., & Kong, D. S. (2008). Use of synchronous fluorescence spectra to estimate biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of urban rivers affected by treated sewage. Environmental technology, 29(4), 435-444. DOI:
Jafarzadeh Ghehi, T., Mortezaeifar, S., Gholami, M., Rezaei Kalantary, R., & Mahvi, A. H. (2014). Performance evaluation of enhanced SBR in simultaneous removal of nitrogen and phosphorous. Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering, 12, 1-7. DOI:
Johal, E., Walia, B. S., Saini, M. S., & Jha, M. K. (2014). Efficiency assessment and mathematical correlation development between BOD5 and other parameters in Jalandhar Sewage Treatment. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technolog, 3(6), 13088-13096.
Khanna, D. R. & Bhutiani, R. (2008). Laboratory manual for water and wastewater analysis.Daya Publishing House, New Delhi.
Kumar, P. R., Pinto, L. B., & Somashekar, R. K. (2010). Assessment of the efficiency of sewage treatment plants: a comparative study between Nagasandra and Mailasandra sewage treatment plants. Kathmandu university journal of science, engineering and technology, 6(2), 115-125. DOI:
Kumar, V., Singh, J., & Chopra, A.K. (2018). Assessment of phytokinetic removal of pollutants of paper mill effluent using water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes [Mart.] Solms). Environmental Technology, 39(21): 2781-2791. DOI:
Lekkerkerker-Teunissen, K., Benotti, M. J., Snyder, S. A., & Van Dijk, H. C. (2012). Transformation of atrazine, carbamazepine, diclofenac and sulfamethoxazole by low and medium pressure UV and UV/H2O2 treatment. Separation and Purification Technology, 96, 33-43. DOI:
Miura, T., Schaeffer, J., Le Saux, J. C., Le Mehaute, P., & Le Guyader, F. S. (2018). Virus type-specific removal in a full-scale membrane bioreactor treatment process. Food and environmental virology, 10, 176-186. DOI:
Nelson, M. J., Nakhla, G., & Zhu, J. (2017). Fluidized-bed bioreactor applications for biological wastewater treatment: a review of research and developments. Engineering, 3(3), 330-342. DOI:
Nghiem, L. D., Schäfer, A. I., & Elimelech, M. (2004). Removal of natural hormones by nanofiltration membranes: measurement, modeling, and mechanisms. Environmental science & technology, 38(6), 1888-1896. DOI:
Nguyen, L. N., Hai, F. I., Kang, J., Price, W. E., & Nghiem, L. D. (2013). Removal of emerging trace organic contaminants by MBR-based hybrid treatment processes. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 85, 474-482. DOI:
Osmani, S. A., Rajpal, A., & Kazmi, A. A. (2021). Upgradation of conventional MBBR into Aerobic/Anoxic/Aerobic configuration: A case study of carbon and nitrogen removal based sewage treatment plant. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 40, 101921. DOI:
Qayoom, U., Bhat, S. U., & Ahmad, I. (2021). Efficiency evaluation of sewage treatment technologies: implications on aquatic ecosystem health. Journal of Water and Health, 19(1), 29-46. DOI:
Rao, V. V. N., & Shruthi, D. (2002). Performance of sewage treatment plants in Hyderabad-A case study. Pollution Research, 21(2), 191-193.
Ruhela, M., Wani, A. A., & Ahamad, F. (2020). Efficiency of Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) based sewage treatment plant and its discharge impact on Dal Lake, Jammu & Kashmir, India. Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science, 5(4), 517-524. DOI:
Sahar, E., Ernst, M., Godehardt, M., Hein, A., Herr, J., Kazner, C., ... & Jekel, M. (2011). Comparison of two treatments for the removal of selected organic micropollutants and bulk organic matter: conventional activated sludge followed by ultrafiltration versus membrane bioreactor. Water Science and Technology, 63(4), 733-740. DOI:
Salunke, K. A., Bhave, P. P., & Mata, M. M. (2014). Performance status of common effluent treatment plant at Dombivati CETP. Int J Res Eng Technol, 3(9), 48-52. DOI:
Schaeffer, J., Treguier, C., Piquet, J. C., Gachelin, S., Cochennec-Laureau, N., Le Saux, J. C., ... & Le Guyader, F. S. (2018). Improving the efficacy of sewage treatment decreases norovirus contamination in oysters. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 286, 1-5. DOI:
Shen, Y., Yang, D., Wu, Y., Zhang, H., & Zhang, X. (2019). Operation mode of a step-feed anoxic/oxic process with distribution of carbon source from anaerobic zone on nutrient removal and microbial properties. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1153. DOI:
Showkat, U., & Najar, I. A. (2019). Study on the efficiency of sequential batch reactor (SBR)-based sewage treatment plant. Applied Water Science, 9(1), 2. DOI:
Sima, L. C., Schaeffer, J., Le Saux, J. C., Parnaudeau, S., Elimelech, M., & Le Guyader, F. S. (2011). Calicivirus removal in a membrane bioreactor wastewater treatment plant. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77(15), 5170-5177. DOI:
Sincero, A. P., & Sincero, G. A. (1996). Environmental Engineering: A design approach. Pearson College Division.
Singh, S., & Varshney, M. (2013). Evaluation of Functioning of Waste Water Treatment Plant at Chandrawati Education Society, Jaipur: A Case Study. Evaluation, 2(2), 127-139.
Tadkaew, N., Hai, F. I., McDonald, J. A., Khan, S. J., & Nghiem, L. D. (2011). Removal of trace organics by MBR treatment: the role of molecular properties. Water research, 45(8), 2439-2451. DOI:
Trivedy, R.K. & Goel, P.K. (1986). Chemical and Biological Methods for Water Pollution Studies. Environmental Publication, Karad (India)
UNEP (2010). Clearing the Waters. A Focus on Water Quality Solutions. United Nations Environment Programme. Available from: 11822/7906 (accessed June 2019).
Von Sperling, M. (1996). Design of facultative pond based on uncertainty analysis. Water Science and Technology, 33(7): 41–47. DOI:
Wang, Z. Z., Li, J., Gao, J. H., & Chang, J. (2010). Anti-shock Loading Performance of A super (2) O/MBR and Optimization of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal. China Water & Wastewater, 26(21), 38-42.
World Water Assessment Programme (UNESCO WWAP) (2017). Available from: (accessed March 2019).
Xiang, H. U., Li, X. I. E., Hojae, S. H. I. M., Zhang, S., & Dianhai, Y. A. N. G. (2014). Biological nutrient removal in a full scale anoxic/anaerobic/aerobic/pre-anoxic-MBR plant for low C/N ratio municipal wastewater treatment. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22(4),447-454. DOI:
Yaqub, M., Asif, H., Kim, S., & Lee, W. (2020). Modeling of a full-scale sewage treatment plant to predict the nutrient removal efficiency using a long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 37, 101388. DOI: