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Bionutrients play a vital role in enhancing soil productivity and sustainable agricultural production. In vegetable crops, limited information is available on the relevance of bionutrients in solanaceous crops under protected conditions. Therefore, an experiment was planned to study the response of bionutrients under the modified naturally ventilated polyhouse in mid-hill conditions of Himachal Pradesh for two consecutive years. Various bell pepper varieties, viz., Mekong, Orobelle, Indra and DPCY1, were subjected to a set of bionutrient sources (beejamrit, ghanjeevamrit, jeevamrit and mulching). The results showed that there was a substantial increase in yield parameters in the treatment module, i.e., Mekong + beejamrit@ 200 ml/kg + ghanjeevamrit@5q/ha + jeevamrit @ 500 lt/ha at 21-day intervals + mulching @ 10 t/ha. This treatment exhibited a minimum number of days to 50% flowering (24.16), maximum number of marketable fruits per plant (28.40), fruit length (7.68 cm), fruit breadth (7.70 cm), pericarp thickness (9.15 mm), average fruit weight (109.53 g), plant height (84.06 cm) and marketable yield per plant (3.11 kg). However, Mekong + beejamrit @ 200 ml/kg + ghanjeevamrit @5q/ha + jeevamrit@ 500 lt/ha at 28-day intervals + mulching @ 10 t/hattreatment proved best for total soluble solids (4.58 °Brix), ascorbic acid (166.50 mg/100 g), capsaicin content (6.64%) and carotenoid content (2.43 mg/100 g). Horticultural and biochemical traits were appreciably enhanced after bionutrient application in bell pepper. Therefore, outcomes from the study point out that it is a feasible and economical approach for farmers.
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- Adhikari, P., Khanal, A., &Subedi, R. (2016). Effect of different sources of organic manure on growth and yield of sweet pepper. Advanced Plants Agricultural Research, 3:00111. DOI:
- Arancon, N.Q., Edward, C.A., Biermanb, P., Metzgerc, J.D., &Lucht, C.(2005). Effects of vermicompost produced from cattle manure, food waste and paper waste on the growth and yield of peppers in the field. Pedobiologia(JENA),49: 297-306. DOI:
- Awal, M.A., Dhar, P.C., Sultan,& S.M.(2016). Effect of mulching on microclimatic manipulation, weed suppression, and growth and yield of pea(PisumsativumL.). Journal of Agriculture Ecology Research International,8:1-12. DOI:
- Bairwa, D.S., Rana, D, K., Kumar, P., Kumar, S., Bhati, V., &Parihar, D.(2018). Response of pea varieties on growth, yield attributes and quality under valley conditions. International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Biotechnology,11:585-588. DOI:
- Bijalwan, P., Shilpa,&Kaushik P. (2022a). Response of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) to different agro-techniques and NAA application.Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,92(11): DOI:
- Bijalwan, P., Shukla, Y.R., Shilpa, &Sharma, U.(2021). Bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) grown on raised bed, plastic mulch and sprayed with NAA @ 15 ppm: Effects on crop growth, yield, soil moisture and temperature.International Journal of Chemical Studies,9:3340-3346. DOI:
- Boraiah, B.N., Devakumar, S., Shubha, &Palanna, K,B.(2017). Effect of Panchagavya, Jeevamrutha and Cow Urine on Beneficial Microorganisms and Yield of Capsicum (Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum). International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Science,6:3226-3234. DOI:
- Cervantes-Paz, B., Yahia, E.M., Ornelas-Paz, J.J., Victoria-Campos, C.I., Ibarra-Junquera, V., Pérez-Martínez, J.D., &Escalante-Minakata, P. (2014). Antioxidant activity and content of chlorophylls and carotenoids in raw and heat-processed Jalapeño peppers at intermediate stages of ripening. Food Chemistry. 146:188-196. DOI:
- Chandrakala, M., Hebsur, N.S., Bidari, B.I., &Radder, B.M. (2011). Effect of FYM and fermented liquid manures on nutrients uptake by chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) and soil nutrient status at harvest. Journal of Asian Horticulture,4: 19-24.
- Devakmar, N., Rao, G.G.E., Shubha, S., Imrankhan, Nagaraj, & Gowda, S.B.(2008). Activities of Organic Farming Research Centre. Navile, Shimoga, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka.
- FAO. (2017). Driving Action across the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Food and Agriculture Organization. Retrieved from;
- Gougoulias, N., Wogiatzi, E., Ioannis, Vagelas., Dimitrios, Kalfountzos. (2017). Comparative study on polyphenols content, capsaicin and antioxidant activity of different hot peppers varieties (Capsicum annuum L.) under environmental conditions of Thessaly region, Greece.Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 9(1):109-116.
- Hameedi, A., Thakur, K.S., Kansal, S., Mehta, D.K., Yousafzai, A., &Mohammadi, M.H., (2018). Effect of organic nutrient sources on growth, yield and quality of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) under mid hill condition of Himachal Pradesh. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development,5: 135-138.
- Hernandez-Aranda, V., Rojas-Tortolero, D., Alvarez-Barreto, J., Arias-Vega, C., Proano-Saraguro, J., Portalanza-Chavarria, A., &Daynet S. (2021). Characterization and use of a crop-residue-based mat mulch in the production of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) during dry season Agronomy,11: 1173. DOI:
- Hunziker, A.T.(2001). Genera Solanacearum: the genera of Solanaceae illustrated, arranged according to a new system. Gantner, Ruggell.
- Jilani, T.A., Waseem, K. &Jilani, M.S.(2016). Effect of weed management techniques for better growth and yield of pea (PisumsativumL.). Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences,53:901-909. DOI:
- Joshi, R., Pal, &Vig, A. (2010). Effect of vermicompost on growth, yield and quality of tomato (LycopersicumesculentumL). African Journal of Basic Applied Sciences,2:117-123.
- Kalloo, G. &Pandey, A.K., (2002). Vegetable production-Commendable progress in research. The Hindu Survey of Indian Agriculture, pp. 159-163.
- Khadse, A., & Rosset, P.M.(2019). Zero Budget Natural Farming in India-from inception to institutionalization. Agroecological Sustainable Food System, DOI:
- Kumar, R., Chadha, S., Upadhyay, R.G., Sharma, G.D., &Kanwar, S.(2021). Evaluation of Different Enriched Composts under Protected Organic Farming in Capsicum-pea based Cropping System. Legume Research,44: 929-935. DOI:
- Kumar, R., Kumar, S., Yashavanth, B.S., &Meena P.C., (2019). Natural Farming Practices in India: Its Adoption and Impact on Crop Yield and Farmers' Income. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics,7: 420-432.
- Kurubetta, Y. &Patil, A.A., (2009). Performance of colored capsicum hybrids under different protected structures. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences,22: 1058-1061.
- Lorimer, J., (2017). “Probiotic Environmentalities: Rewilding with Wolves and Worms” Theory, culture and Society 34(4): 27-48. DOI:
- Malawadi, M. N., Palled, Y.B., Basavaraj, B.,&Hiremath S.M.(2003). Effect of secondary and micronutrients on yield and quality of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.).M.Sc. (Agri.) Thesis, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad.
- Mishra, M., (2013). Role of eco-friendly agricultural practices in Indian agriculture development. International Journal of Research and Agricultural Food Sciences,4: 25-29.
- Palekar, S.(2006). Shoonyabandovaladanaisargikakrushi pub. SwamyAnand, AgriPrakashana, Bangalore.
- Patel, D.M., Patel, I.M., Patel, B.T., Singh, N.K., & Patel, C.K. (2018). Effect of panchgavya and jivamrut on yield, chemical and biological properties of soil and nutrients uptake by kharif groundnut (Arachishypogaea L.) International Journal of Chemical Studies,6: 804-809.
- Ramesh, G., Ajithkumar, K., Savitha, A.S., &Patil, S.G.(2015). Integrated influence of organic manures in addition to inorganic fertilizers on growth, yield parameters and early blight disease of tomato (LycopersiconesculentumL.). International Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Research,6:478-483.
- Ramesh, P., Singh, M., &Subbarao, A.(2005). Organic farming its relevance to the Indian context. Current Science,88:561-568.
- Ranganna, S., (1979). Manuals of analysis of fruits and vegetable products. Tata McGraw Hill Book Company, New Delhi
- Rosset, P., & Martinez-Torres, M.E. (2012). Rural social movements and agroecology: Context, theory, and process. Ecological Society,17. DOI:
- Saroch, K., Sandal, S.K., &Shivani.(2016). Effect of FYM, mulching and irrigation scheduling on water use and productivity of garden pea (PisumsativumL.). Himachal Journal of Agricultural Research,40:14-18.
- Sharma,M., Shilpa, Kaur, M., Sharma,A.K.,&Sharma, P.(2022). Influence of different organic manures, biofertilizers and inorganic nutrients on performance of pea (PisumsativumL.) in North Western Himalayas.Journal of Plant Nutrition. DOI:10.1080/01904167.2022.2071735 DOI:
- Sharma, P., Kaur, M., Shilpa, Sharma, A.,& Bhardwaj, N. (2021). Breeding Vegetables for protected cultivation: A review. Himachal Journal of Agricultural Research,47(1):1-17.
- Shilpa,Bijalwan, P.,&Shukla, Y.R.(2021a). Influence of Different Training Levels on Fruit Quality and Yield of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under the Mid-hill Conditions of Himachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research,DOI: 10.18805/IJARe.A-5838.
- Shilpa,Bijalwan, P.,&Shukla, Y.R.(2021b). Effect of raised bed, mulching and training system on soil temperature and yield of tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum L.). Indian Journal of Agricultural Research,DOI: 10.18805/IJARe.A-5914.
- Shilpa, Bijalwan,P., &Shukla,Y.R. (2021d). Effect of Planting Methods, Plastic Mulches, Training Systems, Soil Temperature and Soil Moisture on Tomato Yield. Agricultural Science Digest,10.18805/ag.D- 5408
- Shilpa, Bijalwan,P., &Shukla,Y.R. (2022a).Effect of crop management practices on growth, yield, quality, economics of Buckeye rot, Alternaria disease of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) var. SolanLalima. International Journal of Environment and Climate Control,12(5): 1-14: Article no.IJECC.84465 ISSN: 2581-8627. DOI:
- Shilpa, Bijalwan,P.,&Shukla, Y.R. (2023). Effects of Planting Methods, Mulches, Training Systems on Flowering, Fruiting, Yield and Disease Incidence on Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum l.) crop of North Western Himalayan Region. Environment Conservation Journal,24(1): 82-95. DOI:
- Shilpa, Bijalwan, P.,Shukla, Y.R., Kansal, S.K.,&Thakur, K.S. (2021c). Effect of planting techniques, mulching and training systems on major diseases and yield of tomato. Environment and Ecology,39(4): 854-867.
- Shilpa, Sharma, M., Kaur, M., Sharma, A.K., Sharma, P.,& Chauhan, M. (2022b). Soil Fertility, growth, yield and root quality of Radish (Raphanussativus L.) as Influenced by Integrated Nutrient Management Practices. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, DOI:
- Shilpa, Sharma, P., Thakur, V., Sharma, A., Rana, R.S. & Kumar, P. (2022c). A status-quo review on management of root knot nematode in tomato. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology,97(4): 403-416 DOI:10.1080/14620316.2022.2034531. DOI:
- Shilpa, Shukla, Y.R., Bijalwan, P.,&Thakur, K.S. (2020). Mulch Cover Management for Improving Weed Control in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Production. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International,42(8): 37-43. JEAI.55197 ISSN:2457-0591. DOI:
- Shwetha, B.N., &Babalad.(2008). Effect of nutrient management through organics in soybean wheat cropping system. M. Sc. (Agri.) Thesis, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka.
- Tripodi, P., & Kumar, S.(2019). The Capsicum Crop: An Introduction Springer Nature Switzerland AGN. Ramchiary and C. Kole (eds.), The Capsicum Genome, Compendium ofPlant Genomes, DOI:
- Vasanthkumar, H.H.R.(2006). Jeevamrut Slurry Preparation. Siri Samruddhi, 4-5.
- Vij, S., Sharma, N., Sharma, M., Mohanta, T.K.,&Kaushik, P. (2022). Application of Trichodermaviride and Pseudomonas fluorescens to Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) Improves Both Its Seedling Quality and Field Performance. Sustainability, 14(13):75-83. DOI:
- World Bank.,(2017). Worldwide Fund for Nature. Living Planet Report. Risk and resilience in a new era. WWF International Retrieved from; on 10/01/2019.
Adhikari, P., Khanal, A., &Subedi, R. (2016). Effect of different sources of organic manure on growth and yield of sweet pepper. Advanced Plants Agricultural Research, 3:00111. DOI:
Arancon, N.Q., Edward, C.A., Biermanb, P., Metzgerc, J.D., &Lucht, C.(2005). Effects of vermicompost produced from cattle manure, food waste and paper waste on the growth and yield of peppers in the field. Pedobiologia(JENA),49: 297-306. DOI:
Awal, M.A., Dhar, P.C., Sultan,& S.M.(2016). Effect of mulching on microclimatic manipulation, weed suppression, and growth and yield of pea(PisumsativumL.). Journal of Agriculture Ecology Research International,8:1-12. DOI:
Bairwa, D.S., Rana, D, K., Kumar, P., Kumar, S., Bhati, V., &Parihar, D.(2018). Response of pea varieties on growth, yield attributes and quality under valley conditions. International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Biotechnology,11:585-588. DOI:
Bijalwan, P., Shilpa,&Kaushik P. (2022a). Response of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) to different agro-techniques and NAA application.Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,92(11): DOI:
Bijalwan, P., Shukla, Y.R., Shilpa, &Sharma, U.(2021). Bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) grown on raised bed, plastic mulch and sprayed with NAA @ 15 ppm: Effects on crop growth, yield, soil moisture and temperature.International Journal of Chemical Studies,9:3340-3346. DOI:
Boraiah, B.N., Devakumar, S., Shubha, &Palanna, K,B.(2017). Effect of Panchagavya, Jeevamrutha and Cow Urine on Beneficial Microorganisms and Yield of Capsicum (Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum). International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Science,6:3226-3234. DOI:
Cervantes-Paz, B., Yahia, E.M., Ornelas-Paz, J.J., Victoria-Campos, C.I., Ibarra-Junquera, V., Pérez-Martínez, J.D., &Escalante-Minakata, P. (2014). Antioxidant activity and content of chlorophylls and carotenoids in raw and heat-processed Jalapeño peppers at intermediate stages of ripening. Food Chemistry. 146:188-196. DOI:
Chandrakala, M., Hebsur, N.S., Bidari, B.I., &Radder, B.M. (2011). Effect of FYM and fermented liquid manures on nutrients uptake by chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) and soil nutrient status at harvest. Journal of Asian Horticulture,4: 19-24.
Devakmar, N., Rao, G.G.E., Shubha, S., Imrankhan, Nagaraj, & Gowda, S.B.(2008). Activities of Organic Farming Research Centre. Navile, Shimoga, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka.
FAO. (2017). Driving Action across the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Food and Agriculture Organization. Retrieved from;
Gougoulias, N., Wogiatzi, E., Ioannis, Vagelas., Dimitrios, Kalfountzos. (2017). Comparative study on polyphenols content, capsaicin and antioxidant activity of different hot peppers varieties (Capsicum annuum L.) under environmental conditions of Thessaly region, Greece.Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 9(1):109-116.
Hameedi, A., Thakur, K.S., Kansal, S., Mehta, D.K., Yousafzai, A., &Mohammadi, M.H., (2018). Effect of organic nutrient sources on growth, yield and quality of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) under mid hill condition of Himachal Pradesh. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development,5: 135-138.
Hernandez-Aranda, V., Rojas-Tortolero, D., Alvarez-Barreto, J., Arias-Vega, C., Proano-Saraguro, J., Portalanza-Chavarria, A., &Daynet S. (2021). Characterization and use of a crop-residue-based mat mulch in the production of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) during dry season Agronomy,11: 1173. DOI:
Hunziker, A.T.(2001). Genera Solanacearum: the genera of Solanaceae illustrated, arranged according to a new system. Gantner, Ruggell.
Jilani, T.A., Waseem, K. &Jilani, M.S.(2016). Effect of weed management techniques for better growth and yield of pea (PisumsativumL.). Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences,53:901-909. DOI:
Joshi, R., Pal, &Vig, A. (2010). Effect of vermicompost on growth, yield and quality of tomato (LycopersicumesculentumL). African Journal of Basic Applied Sciences,2:117-123.
Kalloo, G. &Pandey, A.K., (2002). Vegetable production-Commendable progress in research. The Hindu Survey of Indian Agriculture, pp. 159-163.
Khadse, A., & Rosset, P.M.(2019). Zero Budget Natural Farming in India-from inception to institutionalization. Agroecological Sustainable Food System, DOI:
Kumar, R., Chadha, S., Upadhyay, R.G., Sharma, G.D., &Kanwar, S.(2021). Evaluation of Different Enriched Composts under Protected Organic Farming in Capsicum-pea based Cropping System. Legume Research,44: 929-935. DOI:
Kumar, R., Kumar, S., Yashavanth, B.S., &Meena P.C., (2019). Natural Farming Practices in India: Its Adoption and Impact on Crop Yield and Farmers' Income. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics,7: 420-432.
Kurubetta, Y. &Patil, A.A., (2009). Performance of colored capsicum hybrids under different protected structures. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences,22: 1058-1061.
Lorimer, J., (2017). “Probiotic Environmentalities: Rewilding with Wolves and Worms” Theory, culture and Society 34(4): 27-48. DOI:
Malawadi, M. N., Palled, Y.B., Basavaraj, B.,&Hiremath S.M.(2003). Effect of secondary and micronutrients on yield and quality of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.).M.Sc. (Agri.) Thesis, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad.
Mishra, M., (2013). Role of eco-friendly agricultural practices in Indian agriculture development. International Journal of Research and Agricultural Food Sciences,4: 25-29.
Palekar, S.(2006). Shoonyabandovaladanaisargikakrushi pub. SwamyAnand, AgriPrakashana, Bangalore.
Patel, D.M., Patel, I.M., Patel, B.T., Singh, N.K., & Patel, C.K. (2018). Effect of panchgavya and jivamrut on yield, chemical and biological properties of soil and nutrients uptake by kharif groundnut (Arachishypogaea L.) International Journal of Chemical Studies,6: 804-809.
Ramesh, G., Ajithkumar, K., Savitha, A.S., &Patil, S.G.(2015). Integrated influence of organic manures in addition to inorganic fertilizers on growth, yield parameters and early blight disease of tomato (LycopersiconesculentumL.). International Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Research,6:478-483.
Ramesh, P., Singh, M., &Subbarao, A.(2005). Organic farming its relevance to the Indian context. Current Science,88:561-568.
Ranganna, S., (1979). Manuals of analysis of fruits and vegetable products. Tata McGraw Hill Book Company, New Delhi
Rosset, P., & Martinez-Torres, M.E. (2012). Rural social movements and agroecology: Context, theory, and process. Ecological Society,17. DOI:
Saroch, K., Sandal, S.K., &Shivani.(2016). Effect of FYM, mulching and irrigation scheduling on water use and productivity of garden pea (PisumsativumL.). Himachal Journal of Agricultural Research,40:14-18.
Sharma,M., Shilpa, Kaur, M., Sharma,A.K.,&Sharma, P.(2022). Influence of different organic manures, biofertilizers and inorganic nutrients on performance of pea (PisumsativumL.) in North Western Himalayas.Journal of Plant Nutrition. DOI:10.1080/01904167.2022.2071735 DOI:
Sharma, P., Kaur, M., Shilpa, Sharma, A.,& Bhardwaj, N. (2021). Breeding Vegetables for protected cultivation: A review. Himachal Journal of Agricultural Research,47(1):1-17.
Shilpa,Bijalwan, P.,&Shukla, Y.R.(2021a). Influence of Different Training Levels on Fruit Quality and Yield of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under the Mid-hill Conditions of Himachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research,DOI: 10.18805/IJARe.A-5838.
Shilpa,Bijalwan, P.,&Shukla, Y.R.(2021b). Effect of raised bed, mulching and training system on soil temperature and yield of tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum L.). Indian Journal of Agricultural Research,DOI: 10.18805/IJARe.A-5914.
Shilpa, Bijalwan,P., &Shukla,Y.R. (2021d). Effect of Planting Methods, Plastic Mulches, Training Systems, Soil Temperature and Soil Moisture on Tomato Yield. Agricultural Science Digest,10.18805/ag.D- 5408
Shilpa, Bijalwan,P., &Shukla,Y.R. (2022a).Effect of crop management practices on growth, yield, quality, economics of Buckeye rot, Alternaria disease of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) var. SolanLalima. International Journal of Environment and Climate Control,12(5): 1-14: Article no.IJECC.84465 ISSN: 2581-8627. DOI:
Shilpa, Bijalwan,P.,&Shukla, Y.R. (2023). Effects of Planting Methods, Mulches, Training Systems on Flowering, Fruiting, Yield and Disease Incidence on Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum l.) crop of North Western Himalayan Region. Environment Conservation Journal,24(1): 82-95. DOI:
Shilpa, Bijalwan, P.,Shukla, Y.R., Kansal, S.K.,&Thakur, K.S. (2021c). Effect of planting techniques, mulching and training systems on major diseases and yield of tomato. Environment and Ecology,39(4): 854-867.
Shilpa, Sharma, M., Kaur, M., Sharma, A.K., Sharma, P.,& Chauhan, M. (2022b). Soil Fertility, growth, yield and root quality of Radish (Raphanussativus L.) as Influenced by Integrated Nutrient Management Practices. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, DOI:
Shilpa, Sharma, P., Thakur, V., Sharma, A., Rana, R.S. & Kumar, P. (2022c). A status-quo review on management of root knot nematode in tomato. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology,97(4): 403-416 DOI:10.1080/14620316.2022.2034531. DOI:
Shilpa, Shukla, Y.R., Bijalwan, P.,&Thakur, K.S. (2020). Mulch Cover Management for Improving Weed Control in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Production. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International,42(8): 37-43. JEAI.55197 ISSN:2457-0591. DOI:
Shwetha, B.N., &Babalad.(2008). Effect of nutrient management through organics in soybean wheat cropping system. M. Sc. (Agri.) Thesis, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka.
Tripodi, P., & Kumar, S.(2019). The Capsicum Crop: An Introduction Springer Nature Switzerland AGN. Ramchiary and C. Kole (eds.), The Capsicum Genome, Compendium ofPlant Genomes, DOI:
Vasanthkumar, H.H.R.(2006). Jeevamrut Slurry Preparation. Siri Samruddhi, 4-5.
Vij, S., Sharma, N., Sharma, M., Mohanta, T.K.,&Kaushik, P. (2022). Application of Trichodermaviride and Pseudomonas fluorescens to Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) Improves Both Its Seedling Quality and Field Performance. Sustainability, 14(13):75-83. DOI:
World Bank.,(2017). Worldwide Fund for Nature. Living Planet Report. Risk and resilience in a new era. WWF International Retrieved from; on 10/01/2019.