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The paper deals with the study conducted for evaluation of the effects of chromium on the algal population by laboratory bioassay test. The results show that the algal species are affected differentially by the chromium concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 10 ppm.In general, the sensitive species to chromium include Closterium  acutum,  Closterium  cambricum,  Closterium  venus,  Crusigenia fenestrata,  Kirchneriella contorta, Monoraphidium capricornutum, Monoraphidium contortum ,Scenedesmus acuminatus, Tetraedron trigonum, Anabaena  incrassata,  Chroococcus turgidus,  Merismopedia tenuissima,   Spirulina laxissima,  Cylindrotheca gracils  and Melosir agranulata.   However,  a few  species like Navicula   viridula,   Cosmarium  depressum,   Kirchneriella  microscopica  and Microcystis  aeruginosa were found to be tolerant to chromium, which could be exploited for their indicator value along with other species found tolerant by other workers.


Algae response chromium bioassay test

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How to Cite
Goel, P. K., & Shete, R. G. (2000). Response of an Algal Community to Chromium. Environment Conservation Journal, 1(2&3), 63–70.


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