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Phenol and Phenolic compounds are well known components in aqueous waste of many different pollution generating industries. These compounds must be regarded as hazardous to the environment and are resistant to biological degradation. Degradation of Phenol in the presence of hexavalent chromium was studied using phenol degrading bacteria, Pseudomonas putida. The bacteria was able to degrade phenol up to 80% in the absence of chromium but the degradation was increased up to 81.67% in the presence of 25mg/l initial concentration of chromium (VI). The degradation was declined further up to 21.67%, when concentration of Chromium (VI) was applied 50mg/l.



Phenol degradation Pseudomonas putida Hexavalent chromium

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How to Cite
Malik, D., & Malik, A. (2003). Phenol degradation by a bacterium Pseudomonas putida in the presence of chromium. Environment Conservation Journal, 4(1-3), 15–21.


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