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Physico-chemical characteristics of water and plankton were analysed from four paddy fields, irrigated by a tributary of the river Ravi, near Nagri bus stand, Kathua, J&K, during July, 2005 to September, 2005 have been described. Phytoplankton has shown the presence of Chlorophyceae (14 genera), Bacillariophyceae (9 genera) and Cyanophyceae (6 genera). The order of qualitative dominance of zooplankton is observed as Protozoa (10 genera and 31 species) > Rotifera (8 genera and 9 species) > Arthropoda (8 genera, 8 species and 3 larvae) > Annelida (1 genus and I species) and> Nematoda. Planktonic diversity and density remained low during first two observations (preparation of fields and seedlings transplantation). Coefficient of correlation (r) of phytoplankton and zooplankton, with the various parameters of water, is insignificant.
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- Adoni, A.D,, 1985. Workbook on lirnnology. Pratibha publishers.
- A.P.H.A., 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater: 20 Amer. Publ. Hlth. Assoc. Inc., Newyork.
- Battish, S.K., 1992. Fresh water zooplankton;oflndia. Oxford and IBH Publishing CO. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,Bombay.. Calcutta: 323.
- Biswas, A. & Raut, S.K., 2000. Bioindicators for freshwater mussel, Lamellidens margin a lis (Lamarck) farming. Proceedings ofNational Seminar on Environmental Biology April 03-05, 1998. Edited by: A.K. Aditya and P.Haldar. Daya Publishing house, Delhi: 38-53.
- Dutta, S.P.S., 1983. On some fresh water Rhizopoda from Jammu Part-I. Jammu Univ. Review (Sciences) I :91-94.
- Dutta, S.P.S., Dogra, K. and Tak, A., 2002a. Qualitative and quantitative study of plankton in some paddy fields, Maralia Morh, Jammu (J&K). National Seminar on Environmental Pollution and Fishery Management. August 8-10, 2002. Organised by: School ofStudies on zoo! ogy. Vikram University, Ujjain (M.P.) India. (Abstract No. 28).
- Dutta, S.P.S., Khajuria, M., Dogra, P. and Singh, A., 2005. Ecology of zooplankton in some ground water irrigated paddy fields, Indira Nagar, Miran Sahib, Jammu. 1 St Jarnmu and Kashmir State Science Congress. Feb. 7-9, 2005, UniversityofJammu, Jammu (Abstract No. 165).
- Dutta, S.P.S., Khajuria, M., Dogra, P. and Singh, A., 2006c. Plankton ecology in two ground water irrigated paddy fields, Indira Nagar, Miran Sahib, Jarnmu. Env. Con. 1., 7(1-2): 1-9.
- Dutta, S.P.S., Kiran, K., Sharma A., Khatoon, N. and MIR, A.M., 2002b. Ecology of Plankton in some paddy fields, Miran Sahib, Jammu. (J&K). National Seminar on Recent Trends in life sciences August 26-28, 2002. Organized by: Centre ofResearch for Development. The University ofKash mir, Srinagar: 32 (Abstract no. 27).
- Dutta, S.P.S., Kour, S. andKhajuria, V., 2006a. Plankton ecology ofa paddy field, atMaralia Morh, Miran Sahib, Jammu, (communicated).
- Dutta, S.P.S., Kour, S. and Sharma, V., 2006b. Quqlitative and quantitative analysis of plankton in some paddy fields at Maralia. Morh, Miran Sahib, Jammu, 2nd J&K Science Congress (2006) organized by Univ. ofKasbmir, in collaboration with J&K State DST and DST GOI: 262 (Abstract no. 45).
- Dutta, S.P.S., Mir, A.M., Kiran, K., Sharma, A., Khatoon, N. and Sala thia, D., 2004. Ecology of Plankton in some paddy fields of Miran Sahib, Jammu, (J&K). Aquacult. 5 (1 ) : 1-10.
- Edmondson, W.T., 1992. Freshwater Biology. !ind Ed. Published by International Books and Periodicals Supply service24B/5,Deshbandu GuptaRoad,karolBagh, New Delhi 110005: 1248.
- Goldman, C.R. and Horne, A.J. (1983). Limnology. Mc. Graw Hill, International Book Company, New Delhi.
- Goyal, S.K. , Sharma, B.M. and Gupta, R.S., 1984. Algal flora of rice field soils of J&K state. Phykos,23 (1&2):57-64.
- Indian Standard Methods, 1973. Indian standard methods for sampling and test (Physical and Chemical) for water used in industry. Manak Bhawan, 9, New Delhi.
- Jhingran, V. G., 1991. Fish and Fisheries of India. HindustanPuhlishing Co. New Delhi. Kant, S., 1977. Notes on the diatoms ofJammu;l. The University Review, 6:6-13.
- Kant, S. and Anand, VK. (1978). New records for Scendesmus species fromJarnrnu (J&K). Phykos, 17 (1-2).: 81-85.
- Kudo, R.R., 1986. Protozoology, Published by Books and Periodicals Corporation (India): 1174 pp.
- Nair, K.N. , Das, A.K. and Mukherjee, B.N., 1971. On some freshwater Rhizopoda and Helizoa (protozoa) from Calcutta and its environs. Part I.Res. Zool. Sur., India, 65 (1-4) : 1-16.
- Nath, P. & Dey, $.C., 1990. Fish and Fisheries ofNorth-East India. Volume on Arunachal Pradesh Published by A. K. Choudhary, Barrackpore, West Bengal, India.
- Nickolsky, G. V., 1962. The ecology of fishes. Academic Press. london and New York.
- Rather, M.D. & MIR, A.M. 1987. Non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation by some BGA from paddy soil of Kashmir. Phykos, 26: 63-66.
- Reid, G.K. & WOOD, R.D., 1976. Ecology of lnland waters and estuaries. D.Van Northland Company. New Northland Company. New York: 485 PP.
- Smith, G.M., 1950. The fresh water algae of United states, 2""Edition. Mc. Graw Hill Book Co.,New York: 799.
- Trivedy, R.K., Goel, P.K. and Trisal, C.L., 1987. Practical methods in Ecology and Environmental Sciences,
- Published by Environmental Publication, Post Box-60, Karad - 415110, India. Welch, P.S., 1952. Lirnnology. Mc. Graw Hill Book Co. Inc. New York: 539.
- Wetzel, R.G., 2000. Lirnnology: lake and river ecosystem, 3rd Edition. Academic Press: 1-841.
Adoni, A.D,, 1985. Workbook on lirnnology. Pratibha publishers.
A.P.H.A., 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater: 20 Amer. Publ. Hlth. Assoc. Inc., Newyork.
Battish, S.K., 1992. Fresh water zooplankton;oflndia. Oxford and IBH Publishing CO. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,Bombay.. Calcutta: 323.
Biswas, A. & Raut, S.K., 2000. Bioindicators for freshwater mussel, Lamellidens margin a lis (Lamarck) farming. Proceedings ofNational Seminar on Environmental Biology April 03-05, 1998. Edited by: A.K. Aditya and P.Haldar. Daya Publishing house, Delhi: 38-53.
Dutta, S.P.S., 1983. On some fresh water Rhizopoda from Jammu Part-I. Jammu Univ. Review (Sciences) I :91-94.
Dutta, S.P.S., Dogra, K. and Tak, A., 2002a. Qualitative and quantitative study of plankton in some paddy fields, Maralia Morh, Jammu (J&K). National Seminar on Environmental Pollution and Fishery Management. August 8-10, 2002. Organised by: School ofStudies on zoo! ogy. Vikram University, Ujjain (M.P.) India. (Abstract No. 28).
Dutta, S.P.S., Khajuria, M., Dogra, P. and Singh, A., 2005. Ecology of zooplankton in some ground water irrigated paddy fields, Indira Nagar, Miran Sahib, Jammu. 1 St Jarnmu and Kashmir State Science Congress. Feb. 7-9, 2005, UniversityofJammu, Jammu (Abstract No. 165).
Dutta, S.P.S., Khajuria, M., Dogra, P. and Singh, A., 2006c. Plankton ecology in two ground water irrigated paddy fields, Indira Nagar, Miran Sahib, Jarnmu. Env. Con. 1., 7(1-2): 1-9.
Dutta, S.P.S., Kiran, K., Sharma A., Khatoon, N. and MIR, A.M., 2002b. Ecology of Plankton in some paddy fields, Miran Sahib, Jammu. (J&K). National Seminar on Recent Trends in life sciences August 26-28, 2002. Organized by: Centre ofResearch for Development. The University ofKash mir, Srinagar: 32 (Abstract no. 27).
Dutta, S.P.S., Kour, S. andKhajuria, V., 2006a. Plankton ecology ofa paddy field, atMaralia Morh, Miran Sahib, Jammu, (communicated).
Dutta, S.P.S., Kour, S. and Sharma, V., 2006b. Quqlitative and quantitative analysis of plankton in some paddy fields at Maralia. Morh, Miran Sahib, Jammu, 2nd J&K Science Congress (2006) organized by Univ. ofKasbmir, in collaboration with J&K State DST and DST GOI: 262 (Abstract no. 45).
Dutta, S.P.S., Mir, A.M., Kiran, K., Sharma, A., Khatoon, N. and Sala thia, D., 2004. Ecology of Plankton in some paddy fields of Miran Sahib, Jammu, (J&K). Aquacult. 5 (1 ) : 1-10.
Edmondson, W.T., 1992. Freshwater Biology. !ind Ed. Published by International Books and Periodicals Supply service24B/5,Deshbandu GuptaRoad,karolBagh, New Delhi 110005: 1248.
Goldman, C.R. and Horne, A.J. (1983). Limnology. Mc. Graw Hill, International Book Company, New Delhi.
Goyal, S.K. , Sharma, B.M. and Gupta, R.S., 1984. Algal flora of rice field soils of J&K state. Phykos,23 (1&2):57-64.
Indian Standard Methods, 1973. Indian standard methods for sampling and test (Physical and Chemical) for water used in industry. Manak Bhawan, 9, New Delhi.
Jhingran, V. G., 1991. Fish and Fisheries of India. HindustanPuhlishing Co. New Delhi. Kant, S., 1977. Notes on the diatoms ofJammu;l. The University Review, 6:6-13.
Kant, S. and Anand, VK. (1978). New records for Scendesmus species fromJarnrnu (J&K). Phykos, 17 (1-2).: 81-85.
Kudo, R.R., 1986. Protozoology, Published by Books and Periodicals Corporation (India): 1174 pp.
Nair, K.N. , Das, A.K. and Mukherjee, B.N., 1971. On some freshwater Rhizopoda and Helizoa (protozoa) from Calcutta and its environs. Part I.Res. Zool. Sur., India, 65 (1-4) : 1-16.
Nath, P. & Dey, $.C., 1990. Fish and Fisheries ofNorth-East India. Volume on Arunachal Pradesh Published by A. K. Choudhary, Barrackpore, West Bengal, India.
Nickolsky, G. V., 1962. The ecology of fishes. Academic Press. london and New York.
Rather, M.D. & MIR, A.M. 1987. Non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation by some BGA from paddy soil of Kashmir. Phykos, 26: 63-66.
Reid, G.K. & WOOD, R.D., 1976. Ecology of lnland waters and estuaries. D.Van Northland Company. New Northland Company. New York: 485 PP.
Smith, G.M., 1950. The fresh water algae of United states, 2""Edition. Mc. Graw Hill Book Co.,New York: 799.
Trivedy, R.K., Goel, P.K. and Trisal, C.L., 1987. Practical methods in Ecology and Environmental Sciences,
Published by Environmental Publication, Post Box-60, Karad - 415110, India. Welch, P.S., 1952. Lirnnology. Mc. Graw Hill Book Co. Inc. New York: 539.
Wetzel, R.G., 2000. Lirnnology: lake and river ecosystem, 3rd Edition. Academic Press: 1-841.