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The  present study  has  been  made  to  evaluate  the  ground  water  quality  of  Samba  town  of  Jammu  division  of J&K  state. The  solid  waste  generated  in  urban  areas  is  increasing   day-by-day. Many  municipalities   and corporations  are  facing  the  problem  of  managing  large  volumes  of  solid  waste  generated in  their  area.  One of the  alternatives for  disposal  of  solid waste  is  filling the  depressions,   drains,   nallah,  open  spaces  etc.  In  the present  study,  a big  nallah  flowing  through  Samba  town  carries huge  load  of  pollutants  in the  form   of  refuse and  waste  water  opens  at  many places  into  self-created garbage   pits.  Ground  water monitoring  was  carried out  at  two  stations  around  garbage pit  to assess  the  ground  water  quality  of band  pumps  used  by  the  residents of the  area  for  domestic  and other  uses. The  study  revealed  that  the  quality  of ground  water, however,  conform to  the  drinking  water  quality  standards  but  there is  need  for   periodic   evaluation   of  various  water  quality parameters as well as  adoption  of  proper water  quality  management  practices  as  natural quality of groundwater is  being  degradaed  near  the  garbage   pit.                                          


Solid waste Graundwater quality Depressions Drains Nallahs Open spaces

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How to Cite
Gupta, S., & Sambyal, S. (2008). Impact of improper disposal of solid waste on ground water quality­ A case study. Environment Conservation Journal, 9(1&2), 1–5.


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