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Candida  is  a commensal  organism  found  in 40-80%  of normal  humans.  Candidiasis  is observed  in immunocompromised  individuals  such  as HIV-positive patients,   it may  also  occur  in blood  and genital tract. The drug-resistant  bacteria and fungal pathogens have further complicated the treatment of infectious  diseases  in  immunocompromised, AIDS and cancer patients. The in vitro antimicrobial activity was performed  by Agar disc  diffusion  and Agar well diffusion  method.  The crude  aqueous fractions  and Methanolic  extracts  of leaves of Lantana  camara  and buds  of Syzygiuaromaticum were  investigated  for there  antifungal  activity  against  yeast  Candida  albicans.  Methanolic  extract of Syzygiuwas  found  to be effective  against Candida  while  aqueous  extract  showed  no activity. Both  aqueous  and  methanolic  extract of Lantana  camara  showed  no  antifungal  activity.  These observations  could be the basis for the usefulness of the buds of Syzygium   in treatment  remedies for candidiasis  or microbial  infections.


Candida albicans Syzygium aromaticum Lantana camara Antifungal activity

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How to Cite
Grover, A., Bhandari, B. S., Rai, N., & Chandra, H. (2009). Antifungal activity of Lantana camara L. and Syzygium aromaticum L. against Candida albicans. Environment Conservation Journal, 10(1&2), 103–107.


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