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The zooplankton fauna of Kishanganj swamps in relation to certain physico-chemical parameter was studied. Out of 28 species recorded, 18 belong to Rotifera, 6 to C/adocera and 4 to Copepoda. The total zooplankton density was more in summer and least in rainy season. The quantitative relationship amongst the group of zooplankton was Rotifera> Cladocera> Copepoda. Zooplankton also comprised of some pollution tolerant species like Brachionus, Keratella and Mesocyclops etc. The Rotifers showed negative correlation with pH, sulphate and dissolved oxygen Cladocerans showed negative correlation with pH, sulphate and phosphate while Copepods revealed negative correlation with pH, sulphate and water temperature.
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- APHA, 1975. Standard methods for examination of water and waste water 14 edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
- Arora, H.C., 1966. Rotifers as indicators of trophic nature of environment. Hydrobiol., 27: 146-159. DOI:
- Baker, R.L., 1979. Specific status of Keratella cochlearis (Goose) and K. Erlinare Ahlaofrom (Rotifera and Brachionidae) morphological and ecological consideration. Can. J. Zool., 57: 1719-1722. DOI:
- Bansei, I., 1976. Zooplankton investigation on the dammed river. Tisza Reaches, Tiscia (Szeged), XI : 119-124.
- Barbosa, F.A.R., Breudo, C.E.M. and Huszer, V.L.M., 1995.
- Phytoplankton studies in Brazil community structure, variation and diversity. In : (eds. Tundisi, J.S., Bicudo, C.E.M. and Matstmura Tundisi, T) : Limnology in Brazil. 18-36. Brazilian Limnological Society, Sao Paulo.
- Bilgrami, K.S. and Datta Munshi, .l.S., 1985. Ecology of River Ganges. Impact of human activities and conservation of aquatic biota (Patna to Farakka). Allied Press, Bhagalpur, India.
- Biswas, B.K. and Konar, S.K., 2000. Influence of Nunia Nallah (canal) discharge on plankton abundance and diversitv in the river Damodar at Narankurt (Raniganj) in west Bengal. Indian. J. Environ and Ecoplan., 3: 209-217.
- Cable, I.E., 1966. Plankton United States Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service. Bureau of Commercial Fishes. Fishery Leaflet. pp: 583.
- Dagget, R.F. and Davis, C.C., 1974. A seasonal quantitative study of littoral cladocera and copepoda in a big pond an acid marsh in Newfoundland. Int. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol., 59(5): 667-683. DOI:
- Edmondson, W.T., 1974. A manual on methods for measuring primary production in aquatic environment. Acad. Press, N.Y., U.S.A.
- Edmondson, W.T., 1996. Fresh Water Biology. John Willey and Sons. Inc. New York.
- Ferneska, M. and Lewkowiez, S., 1966. Zooplankton in pond in relation to certain chemical factors. Acta. IIydrobiol., 8: 127-153.
- George, M.C., 1996. Comparative plankton ecology of five fish tank in Delhi, India. Hydrobiol., 32: 47-60.
- Holland, C.E., Brayan, C.F. and Neman, Jr. J.P., 1983. Water quality and the rotifer populations in the Alchafalaya river basin, Louisiana. Hydrobiol., 98: 5 5-69. DOI:
- Ivlev, V.S., 1961. Experimental ecology of the feeding of fishes. Translated from Russian by D. Scott, Val. University Press, New Haven.
- Laal, A.K. and Karthikeyan, M., 1993. Rotifer population or productivity indicators. Curr.Sci., 5: 874-875.
- Lackey, J.B., 1938. The manipulation and counting of river plankton and changes in some organism due to formation preservation. Pub!. Health Deptt.,53:2080 DOI:
- Maruthanayagam, M. Sasikumar, M. and Senthikumar, C.,2003. Studies on zooplankton population in Thirukkulum pond during summer and rainy seasons. Nat. En. & Poll. Tech., 2(1): 13-19.
- Nasar, S.A.K., 1977. Investigations the seasonal periodicity of zooplankton fresh water pond in Bhagalpur India. Acta Hydrochem. Hydrobiol., 5(6): 577-584. DOI:
- Pandey, B.N., Mishra, A.K., Jha, A.K., and Lal, R.N., 1992. Studies on qualitative composition and seasonal fluctuation in plankton composition of river Mahananda, Katihar (Bihar). J. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Mont., 2(2): 93-97.
- Pandey, B.N., Jha, A.K., Das, P.K.L and Pandey, K., 1994.Zooplanktonic community in relation to certain physico-chemical features of Kosi swamps, Purnea, Bihar. En». & Ecol., 12(3): 563-567.
- Pandey, B.N., Hussain, S., Jha, A.K. and Shyamanand, 2004.Seasonal fluctuation of zooplanktonic community in relation to certain physico-chemical parameters of river Ramjan of Kishanganj, Bihar. Nat. En. and Poll. Tech., 3(3): 325-330.
- Patra, S.B. and Dutta, N.C., 2004. Seasonal fluctuations of different zoop.lanktonic group of a rainfed wetland in relation to some abiotic factors. Ind. J. En. & Ecoplan., 8: 7-12.
- Pejler, B., 1983. Zoo0planktonic indicators of trophy and their food. Hydrobiol., 101: 111-114. DOI:
- Prasadam, R.D., 1977. Observation of zooplankton population of some fresh water impoundments in Karnataka. Proc. Symp. Warm. Wat. Zooplankton. NIO, 609. pp: 214-225.
- Schindler, D.W. and Noven, B., 1971. Vertical distribution and seasonal abundance of zooplankton in two shallow lakes at Ontario. J. Fish Res. Bd.Can., 28: 245-256. DOI:
- Trivedy, R.K. and Goel, P.K., 1984.• Chemical and biological methods for water pollution studies. Env. Pub. Karad., India.
- Vareethiah, K. and Haniffa, M.A., 1998. Phytoplankton pollution indicators of Coir retting. J. Env. Poll.,5(02): 117-122.
- Venkataraman, K., 1981. Field and laboratory studies on Daphnia carinta (Cladocera: Daphinidae) from a seasonal tropical pond. Hydrobiol., 30(1): 129-136.
- Yousuf, A.R., 1989. Zooplankton study in India with special reference to North India. A critical review in management of aquatic ecosystem. Society of Biosciences, Muzaffamagar, India. pp: 309-324.
APHA, 1975. Standard methods for examination of water and waste water 14 edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Arora, H.C., 1966. Rotifers as indicators of trophic nature of environment. Hydrobiol., 27: 146-159. DOI:
Baker, R.L., 1979. Specific status of Keratella cochlearis (Goose) and K. Erlinare Ahlaofrom (Rotifera and Brachionidae) morphological and ecological consideration. Can. J. Zool., 57: 1719-1722. DOI:
Bansei, I., 1976. Zooplankton investigation on the dammed river. Tisza Reaches, Tiscia (Szeged), XI : 119-124.
Barbosa, F.A.R., Breudo, C.E.M. and Huszer, V.L.M., 1995.
Phytoplankton studies in Brazil community structure, variation and diversity. In : (eds. Tundisi, J.S., Bicudo, C.E.M. and Matstmura Tundisi, T) : Limnology in Brazil. 18-36. Brazilian Limnological Society, Sao Paulo.
Bilgrami, K.S. and Datta Munshi, .l.S., 1985. Ecology of River Ganges. Impact of human activities and conservation of aquatic biota (Patna to Farakka). Allied Press, Bhagalpur, India.
Biswas, B.K. and Konar, S.K., 2000. Influence of Nunia Nallah (canal) discharge on plankton abundance and diversitv in the river Damodar at Narankurt (Raniganj) in west Bengal. Indian. J. Environ and Ecoplan., 3: 209-217.
Cable, I.E., 1966. Plankton United States Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service. Bureau of Commercial Fishes. Fishery Leaflet. pp: 583.
Dagget, R.F. and Davis, C.C., 1974. A seasonal quantitative study of littoral cladocera and copepoda in a big pond an acid marsh in Newfoundland. Int. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol., 59(5): 667-683. DOI:
Edmondson, W.T., 1974. A manual on methods for measuring primary production in aquatic environment. Acad. Press, N.Y., U.S.A.
Edmondson, W.T., 1996. Fresh Water Biology. John Willey and Sons. Inc. New York.
Ferneska, M. and Lewkowiez, S., 1966. Zooplankton in pond in relation to certain chemical factors. Acta. IIydrobiol., 8: 127-153.
George, M.C., 1996. Comparative plankton ecology of five fish tank in Delhi, India. Hydrobiol., 32: 47-60.
Holland, C.E., Brayan, C.F. and Neman, Jr. J.P., 1983. Water quality and the rotifer populations in the Alchafalaya river basin, Louisiana. Hydrobiol., 98: 5 5-69. DOI:
Ivlev, V.S., 1961. Experimental ecology of the feeding of fishes. Translated from Russian by D. Scott, Val. University Press, New Haven.
Laal, A.K. and Karthikeyan, M., 1993. Rotifer population or productivity indicators. Curr.Sci., 5: 874-875.
Lackey, J.B., 1938. The manipulation and counting of river plankton and changes in some organism due to formation preservation. Pub!. Health Deptt.,53:2080 DOI:
Maruthanayagam, M. Sasikumar, M. and Senthikumar, C.,2003. Studies on zooplankton population in Thirukkulum pond during summer and rainy seasons. Nat. En. & Poll. Tech., 2(1): 13-19.
Nasar, S.A.K., 1977. Investigations the seasonal periodicity of zooplankton fresh water pond in Bhagalpur India. Acta Hydrochem. Hydrobiol., 5(6): 577-584. DOI:
Pandey, B.N., Mishra, A.K., Jha, A.K., and Lal, R.N., 1992. Studies on qualitative composition and seasonal fluctuation in plankton composition of river Mahananda, Katihar (Bihar). J. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Mont., 2(2): 93-97.
Pandey, B.N., Jha, A.K., Das, P.K.L and Pandey, K., 1994.Zooplanktonic community in relation to certain physico-chemical features of Kosi swamps, Purnea, Bihar. En». & Ecol., 12(3): 563-567.
Pandey, B.N., Hussain, S., Jha, A.K. and Shyamanand, 2004.Seasonal fluctuation of zooplanktonic community in relation to certain physico-chemical parameters of river Ramjan of Kishanganj, Bihar. Nat. En. and Poll. Tech., 3(3): 325-330.
Patra, S.B. and Dutta, N.C., 2004. Seasonal fluctuations of different zoop.lanktonic group of a rainfed wetland in relation to some abiotic factors. Ind. J. En. & Ecoplan., 8: 7-12.
Pejler, B., 1983. Zoo0planktonic indicators of trophy and their food. Hydrobiol., 101: 111-114. DOI:
Prasadam, R.D., 1977. Observation of zooplankton population of some fresh water impoundments in Karnataka. Proc. Symp. Warm. Wat. Zooplankton. NIO, 609. pp: 214-225.
Schindler, D.W. and Noven, B., 1971. Vertical distribution and seasonal abundance of zooplankton in two shallow lakes at Ontario. J. Fish Res. Bd.Can., 28: 245-256. DOI:
Trivedy, R.K. and Goel, P.K., 1984.• Chemical and biological methods for water pollution studies. Env. Pub. Karad., India.
Vareethiah, K. and Haniffa, M.A., 1998. Phytoplankton pollution indicators of Coir retting. J. Env. Poll.,5(02): 117-122.
Venkataraman, K., 1981. Field and laboratory studies on Daphnia carinta (Cladocera: Daphinidae) from a seasonal tropical pond. Hydrobiol., 30(1): 129-136.
Yousuf, A.R., 1989. Zooplankton study in India with special reference to North India. A critical review in management of aquatic ecosystem. Society of Biosciences, Muzaffamagar, India. pp: 309-324.