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A field experiment was undertaken in the post-Rabi season of 2019-2020 to reveal the response of greengram (Vigna radiata L.) to seed dressing and seed priming with nano molybdenum trioxide (MoO3). The experiment was laid out in randomized block design (RBD) consisting of 10 different treatments i.e., M0 (no seed treatment with Mo); M1 (seed dressing with Sodium molybdate @ 400 ppm); M2, M3, M4, and M5 (seed dressing with nano Molybdenum trioxide-MoO3 @ 50, 100, 200 and 400 ppm, respectively); and M6, M7, M8 and M9 (seed priming with nano MoO3 @ 50, 100, 200 and 400 ppm, respectively). Inoculation of greengram seeds cv. Shreya (IPM 2-14) with Rhizobium sps. was undertaken in all treatments as per the recommended practice, except in M0 (control). The MoO3 nanoparticles (NPs) synthesized from Ammonium molybdate through calcination at 600 0C for 5 hours indicated globular-shaped NPs of 68.55 nm in TEM and XRD. Nanopriming with MoO3 @ 200 ppm (M8) was most promising in recording significantly superior growth and yield attributing parameters and yield, whereas Mo (control) produced the least. Crop height, number of branches, root length, shoot dry matter, pods/plant and seeds/plant and root nodulation at harvest in M8 were 39.4% and 22.6%; 39% and 5.6%; 23% and 9.3%; 43.9%, and 16.3%; 28.2% and 5.3%; 28.1% and 0.8%, and 73.3% and 36.5% higher than M0 (control) and M1 (farmers’ practice), respectively. Superior growth and yield attributing characters in M8 treatment produced the highest grain and stover yield of 0.88 and 3.74 t/ ha that was 32.53% and 8.37%, and 35.5% and 14.7% higher than M0 (control) and M1 (farmers’ practice), respectively. Seed priming with nano MoO3 @ 400 ppm (M9) and seed dressing with nano MoO3 @ 400 ppm (M5) were of second and third order in recording grain and stover yield but M0 recorded the lowest among all the treatments.
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- Muthamizh, S., Suresh, R., Giribabu, K., Manigandan, R., Praveen Kumar, S., Munusamy, S., Stephen, A. & Narayanan, V. (2015). Molybdenum oxide Nanocubes: Synthesis and characterizations. AIP Conference Proceedings; ISSN 0094-243X. DOI:
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- Srinivasan, S., Selvi, R. V., Ramesh, S., Pandiayan, M., Sunder, M., Kannan, R. & Marimuthu, R. (2007). Response of mungbean to different methods and levels of molybdenum application under acid soil conditions. Acta Horticulturae, 752: 473-476. DOI:
- Velmurugan, R. & Mahendra, P. P. (2015). Molybdenum fertilization effect on nodulation, yield and quality of green gram grown in the soils of southern agro-climatic zone of Tamil Nadu, India. Legume Research, 38: 798-803. DOI:
- Zakikhani, H., Khanif, Y. M., Anuar, A. R., Radziah, O. & Soltangheisi, A. (2014). Effects of different levels of molybdenum on uptake of nutrients in rice cultivars. Asian Journal of Crop Science, 6: 236-244. DOI:
Almeida, F. F.D., Araujo, A. P. & Alves, B. J. R. (2013). Seeds with high molybdenum concentration improved growth and nitrogen acquisition of rhizobium-inoculated and nitrogen-fertilized common bean plants. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 37(2): 367-378. DOI:
Anwarulla, M. S. & Shivshankar, K. (1987). Influence of seed treatment and foliar nutrition of molybdenum on greengram and black gram. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 108: 627-6. DOI:
Arpit, S., Tagore, G. S., Kulhare, P. S. & Sharma, G. D. (2016). Effect of molybdenum and microbial inoculants on yield, nutrient content and uptake and quality of soybean grown in vertisol. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 8(10): 1126-1129.
Awomi, T. A., Singh, A. K., Kumar, M. & Bordoli, L. J. (2012). Effect of phosphorous, molybdenum and cobalt nutrition on yield and quality of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) in acidic soil of Northeast India. Indian Journal of Hill Farming, 25(2): 22-26.
Dinesh, R., Anandaraj, M., Srinivasan, V. & Hamza, S.(2012). Engineered nanoparticles in the soil and their potential implications to microbial activity. Geoderma, 173-174: 19-27. DOI:
Dwibedi, S. K., De, G. C., Dhua, S. R., & Mohanty, A. K. (2018). Influence of system of cultivation and genotypes of preceding rice-ratoon on growth and yield of green gram (Vigna radiata L.) sown at varying dates in coastal alluvium soil of eastern India. Legume Research, 41(6): 873-878. DOI:
Gad, N. & El-Moez, M. R. A. (2013). Influence of Molybdenum on nodulation, nitrogen fixation and yield of cowpea. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 9(3): 1498-1504. DOI:
Gewehr, E., Correa, O. D. O., Sune, A. D. S., Duarte, G. B., Amaranta, L. D., Tunes, L. V. M. & Rodrigues, D. B. (2019). Treatment of soybean seeds with molybdenum and inoculants: nitrate reductase activity and agronomic performance. Communicata Scientiae, 10(1): 185-194. DOI:
Grant, B. L. (2018). What is molybdenum: Information on molybdenum sources for plants. <>
Heidarzade, A., Esmaeli, M., Bahmanyar, M. & Abbasi, R. (2016). Response of soybean (Glycine max) to Molybdenum and iron spray under well-watered and water deficit conditions. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 4(1): 37-46. DOI:
Hidayatullah, Mahammad, T., Ahmed, S. K., Shah, S. G. & Mahammad, U. (2016). Response of peas to molybdenum application with and without Rhizobium inoculums under alkaline calcareous soils. Science International (Lahore), 28(5): 4753-4758.
Hossain, M. F., Uddin, M. R., Humauan, M. R. & Hossain, J. (2018). Effect of molybdenum and its application on seed production of cauliflower. Bulletin of International Tropical Agriculture, 41: 67-72
Kailash, H., Veeresh, H., Narayan Rao, K., Balanagaroundar, S. R. & Sharanagouda, H. (2019). Effect of conventional and nano micronutrient fertilizers on yield and economics of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.). International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 8(9): 185-193. DOI:
Khan, Q. A., Cheema, S. A., Farooq, M., Wakeel, A., & Haider, F. U. (2019). Monitoring the role of molybdenum and seed priming on productivity of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.). Journal of Research in Ecology, 7(1): 2417-2427.
Kumar, P., Barma, U. & Santra, P. (2015). Effect of nano-zinc oxide on nitrogenase activity in legumes: an interplay of concentration and exposure time. International Nano Letter, 5: 191-198. DOI:
Kumar, R., Tomar, G. S., Kumarwat, N. & Singh, S. P. (2018). Effect of varieties, plant density and molybdenum on yield and economics of plackgram under rainfed condition. Chhattisgarh International Journal of Chemical Studies, 6(1): 1867-1870.
Manjili, M. J., Bidarigh, S. & Amiri, E. (2014). Study the effect of foliar application of nano chelate molybdenum fertilizer on the yield and yield components of peanut. Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Science, 5(1): 67-71. DOI:
Maroufi, K., Farahani, H. A., & Moradi, O. (2011). Evaluation of nano priming on germination percentage in green gram (Vigna radiata L.). Advances in Environmental Biology, 3659-3664.
Movalia, J., Donga, S. & Parmar, K. B. (2020). Effect of boron and molybdenum on summer green gram (Vigna radiata L.) (GM-4) under medium black calcareous soils: A review. Proceeding of the National Conference on Innovations in Biological Sciences (NCIBS), January 10, 2020. DOI:
Muthamizh, S., Suresh, R., Giribabu, K., Manigandan, R., Praveen Kumar, S., Munusamy, S., Stephen, A. & Narayanan, V. (2015). Molybdenum oxide Nanocubes: Synthesis and characterizations. AIP Conference Proceedings; ISSN 0094-243X. DOI:
Singh, S., Bawa, S. S., Singh, S., Sharma, S. C., & Kumar, V. (2014). Effect of seed priming with molybdenum on performance of rainfed chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). 51: 124-127.
Smith, K. S., Balistriri, L. S., Smith, S. S. & Severson, R. C. (1997). Distribution and mobility of molybdenum in terrestrial environment. In: Gupta UC, ed. Molydbedum in Agriculture. Casmbridge University Press. DOI:
Srinivasan, S., Selvi, R. V., Ramesh, S., Pandiayan, M., Sunder, M., Kannan, R. & Marimuthu, R. (2007). Response of mungbean to different methods and levels of molybdenum application under acid soil conditions. Acta Horticulturae, 752: 473-476. DOI:
Velmurugan, R. & Mahendra, P. P. (2015). Molybdenum fertilization effect on nodulation, yield and quality of green gram grown in the soils of southern agro-climatic zone of Tamil Nadu, India. Legume Research, 38: 798-803. DOI:
Zakikhani, H., Khanif, Y. M., Anuar, A. R., Radziah, O. & Soltangheisi, A. (2014). Effects of different levels of molybdenum on uptake of nutrients in rice cultivars. Asian Journal of Crop Science, 6: 236-244. DOI: