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A disease is an abnormal condition with negatively affects the structure or function of part or all of an organism, and that is not due to any external abnormality or deformity. Environment means whatever surrounds the individual. It is also known as an external environment which includes the Air, Water, Soil, Noise, Sun Radiation, Plants, Deserts, Rocks, and Buildings, etc. On the other hand, everyone has an internal environment which consists of his Body, his internal system and their functions. The Body maintains the balance between the external and internal environment, but sometimes the state of balance is disturbed due to environmental pollution and disease are caused. Yoga is one of the best solutions to overcome these issues and problems. Yoga has many branches in which Satkarma-s is one best way to purify the inner body blockages that help an individual to fight against outer virus or bacteria. Although, the objective of the research paper was to determine the effect of Satkarma-s based on valid evidence to overcome the causes of the diseases by environmental pollution.


Yoga Environment Environmental Pollution Satkarma-s

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How to Cite
Pathak, . S. (2019). Diseases caused by environmental pollution and their remedies through Satkarma-S . Environment Conservation Journal, 20(SE), 121–127.


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