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Rawa Pening Lake has been in critical condition, caused by high sedimentation levels, declining water quality, damage to the watershed, and excessive riparian occupation. Therefore, this study aims to identify the main problems of the revitalization of Rawa Pening lake. Data and information collection were carried out through direct observation and interviews. The results showed that the main problems of the lake were the removal of the water weeds/water hyacinths, tidal rice fields, and buildings on the lake and riparian areas. The solution to the three main problems is lake revitalization. The revitalization concept that can be proposed regarding the control of water hyacinth is by mechanical means (using water hyacinth lifting equipment, boats, and cutting water hyacinth) and by biological methods, namely the cultivation of koan fish that will eat water hyacinth. At the tidal rice fields, it is necessary to determine the water level limit wisely. The areas with elevation of 462.30 m3-463.25 m3 (covering an area of 812 Ha) can be planted twice a year. The areas with a height of 462.05 m3-462.30 m3 (covering an area of 200 Ha) can be planted once in the rainy season. The areas with elevation of 462.05 m3 cannot be planted because it is in a state of flooding. Incommensurate areas and lakes, there is a lot of land and buildings consisting of settlements, tourism destinations, places of worship, and restaurants. Then the proposed alternative solution is the land acquisition compensation of land and buildings in commensurate areas.
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- Rezania, S., Ponraj, M., Din, M. F. M., Songip, A. R., Sairan, F. M., & Chelliapan, S. (2015). The diverse applications of water hyacinth with main focus on sustainable energy and production for new era: An overview. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 41, 943–954. DOI:
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- Sindhu, R., Binod, P., Pandey, A., Madhavan, A., Alphonsa, J. A., Vivek, N., Gnansounou, E., Castro, E., & Faraco, V. (2017). Water hyacinth a potential source for value addition: An overview. Bioresource Technology, 230, 152–162. DOI:
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- Sulastri, -, Henny, C., & Handoko, U. (2016). Environmental condition and trophic status of lake Rawa Pening in Central Java. OLDI (Oseanologi Dan Limnologi Di Indonesia), 1(3), 23. DOI:
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Apriliyana, D. (2015). Pengaruh perubahan penggunaan lahan sub DAS Rawapening terhadap erosi dan sedimentasi danau Rawapening. 11(1), 103–116. DOI:
Ayele, H. S., & Atlabachew, M. (2021). Review of characterization, factors, impacts, and solutions of lake eutrophication: Lesson for lake Tana, Ethiopia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(12), 14233–14252. DOI:
Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Pemali Juana. (2015). Studi pengukuran, sedimentasi dan kualitas air waduk Rawa Pening.
Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Pemali Juana. (2018). Penetapan batas badan dan sempadan danau Rawa Pening.
Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Pemali Juana. (2020). Studi zonasi dan detail desain revitalisasi danau Rawa Pening.
Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Pemali Juana. (2021). Bahan informasi danau Rawa Pening Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Pemali Juana.
Balitbang Provinsi Jawa Tengah. (2003). Studi penelitian karakteristik rawa pening.
Budihardjo, M. A., & Huboyo, H. S. (2007). Pola persebaran nitrat dan phosphat dengan model Aquatox2.2 serta hubungan terhadap tanaman enceng gondok pada permukaan danau (Studi kasus danau Rawa Pening Kabupaten Semarang). Jurnal Presipitasi : Media Komunikasi Dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan, 3(2), 58–66.
Cahyaningrum, D. C. (2020). The Influence of paddy fields toward the seasonal herbaceous wetland ecosystem in Rawa Pening lake. Jurnal Biologi Tropis, 20(2), 256–262. DOI:
Dewan Sumber Daya Air Nasional. (2020). Rekomendasi pengelolaan danau secara terpadu dan berkelanjutan. Dewan Sumber Daya Air Nasional.
Dwisapta, A., & Sri, A. (2013). Kajian kesesuaian perubahan penggunaan lahan terhadap arahan pemanfaatan fungsi kawasan sub DAS Rawapening. Jurnal Teknik PWK, 3(4), 958–967.
Ekdahl, E. J., Teranes, J., Guilderson, T., Turton, C. L., McAndrews, J. H., Wittkop, C., & Stoermer, E. F. (2004). A prehistorical record of cultural eutrophication from. Geology, 32, 745–748. DOI:
Hidayati, N., Soeprobowati, T. R., & Helmi, M. (2018). The evaluation of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassiper) control program in Rawapening lake, Central Java Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 142(1), 1–6. DOI:
Higgins, S. I., & Richardson, D. M. (1996). A review of models of alien plant spread. Ecological Modelling, 87(1–3), 249–265. DOI:
Jafari, N. (2010). Ecology and Socio- economic utilization of water hyacinth ( Eichhornia crassipes Mart Solms). Appl.Sci.Environ. Manage.June 2010, 14(June 2018), 43–49. DOI:
Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup. (2011). Profil 15 Danau prioritas nasional. Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup.
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup. (2007). Danau di Indonesia.
Malik, A. (2007). Environmental challenge vis a vis opportunity: The case of water hyacinth. Environment International, 33(1), 122–138. DOI:
Noor, M. (2015). Biodiversitas dan kearifan lokal dalam budidaya tanaman pangan mendukung kedaulatan pangan: Kasus di lahan rawa pasang surut. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia, 1(8), 1861–1867. DOI:
Nugroho, A. ., Tanjung, D. ., & Hendrarto, B. (2014). Distribusi serta kandungan nitrat dan fosfat di perairan danau Rawa Pening. Bioma, 3(1), 27–41.
Prasetyo, S., Anggoro, S., & Soeprobowati, T. R. (2022). Water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms management in Rawapening lake, Central Java. AACL Bioflux, 15(1), 532–543. DOI:
Rezania, S., Ponraj, M., Din, M. F. M., Songip, A. R., Sairan, F. M., & Chelliapan, S. (2015). The diverse applications of water hyacinth with main focus on sustainable energy and production for new era: An overview. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 41, 943–954. DOI:
Safauldeen, S. H., Hasan, H. A., & Abdullah, S. R. S. (2019). Phytoremediation of water hyacinth for batik textile effluent treatment. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 20(9), 177–187. DOI:
Samudra, S. R., Soeprobowati, T. R., & Izzati, M. (2013). Komposisi, kemelimpahan dan keanekaragaman fitoplankton danau Rawa Pening kabupaten Semarang. Bioma : Berkala Ilmiah Biologi, 15(1), 6. DOI:
Sanjoto, T. B., Sidiq, W. A. B. N., & Nugraha, S. B. (2020). Land cover change analysis to sedimentation rate of Rawapening lake. International Journal of GEOMATE, 18(70), 294–301. DOI:
Schmieder, K. (2004). European lake shores in danger- Concepts for a sustainable development. Limnologica, 34(1–2), 3–14. DOI:
Scholten, M. C. T., Foekema, E. M., Dokkum, H. P. Van, Kaag, N. H. B. M., & Jak, R. G. (2005). Eutrophication management and ecotoxicology. In Control. Springer. DOI:
Sindhu, R., Binod, P., Pandey, A., Madhavan, A., Alphonsa, J. A., Vivek, N., Gnansounou, E., Castro, E., & Faraco, V. (2017). Water hyacinth a potential source for value addition: An overview. Bioresource Technology, 230, 152–162. DOI:
Sittadewi, E. H. (2008). Kondisi lahan pasang surut kawasan rawa pening dan potensi pemanfaatannya. Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, 9(3), 294–301. DOI:
Soeprobowati, T. R. (2012). Mitigasi danau eutrofik: Studi kasus danau Rawapening. Prosiding Seminar Limnologi VI, 6, 36–48.
Soeprobowati, T. R. (2015). Integrated lake basin management for save Indonesian lake movement. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 23, 368–374. DOI:
Sulastri, -, Henny, C., & Handoko, U. (2016). Environmental condition and trophic status of lake Rawa Pening in Central Java. OLDI (Oseanologi Dan Limnologi Di Indonesia), 1(3), 23. DOI:
Trisakti, B., Suwargana, N., & Cahyono, J. S. (2014). Pemanfaatan data penginderan jauh untuk memantau parameter status ekosistem perairan danau (Studi kasus: danau Rawa Pening). Seminar Nasional Penginderaan Jauh 2014, 393–402.
Wilson, J. R., Holst, N., & Rees, M. (2005). Determinants and patterns of population growth in water hyacinth. Aquatic Botany, 81(1), 51–67. DOI: