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Fire always plays a significant role in the secondary succession and maintenance of various communities or ecosystems on earth, like grass community, understorey community in a forest and on a large perspective forest ecosystem. Vascular cryptogams form an important group of plants that is recovered very rapidly after the fire events. This is perhaps due to their rhizomes lying below the ground surface, which are able to evade the fire stress. Current study deals with presence of four pyrophytic (fire–tolerant) teridophytes in Kalidhar forest range at Jammu district.
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- Belcher, C.M., Collinson, M.E. and Scott, A.C. 2013. A 450-Million-Year History of Fire. Fire Phenomena and the Earth System: An Inter disciplinary Guide to Fire Science, First Edition. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
- Benson, D. and McDougall, L. 1993. Ecology of Sydney plant species: Ferns, fern-allies, cycads, conifers and dicotyledon families Acanthaceae to Asclepiadaceae. Cunninghamia 3(2): 257–422.
- Bergeron, A. and Pellerin, S. 2013. Pteridophytes as indicators of urban forest integrity. Ecological Indicators, 38: 40–49.
- Bir, S.S. 1963. Observations on the pteridophytic flora of Simla hills (North-Western Himalayas). Bull. Bot. Surv. India, 5: 151-161.
- Caprio, A.C. 1994. Fire effects and vegetation response in a madrean oak woodland, southeastern Arizona. M.Sc. thesis, School of renewable natural resources, University of Arizona.
- Collinson, M.E. 2002. The ecology of Cainozoic ferns. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 119: 51–68.
- De Luis, M., Raventós, J. and González-Hidalgo, J.C. 2006. Post-fire vegetation succession in Mediterranean gorse Shrublands. Acta Oecologica, 30: 54-61.
- Dheer, K.K. and Sheera, P.S. 1975. Ecological and phytogeographical observations on the pteridophytes of Dharamsala hills (N.W. Himalayas). Nova Hedwigia Z.Kryptogamen, 26: 353-371.
- Gaur, R.D. and Bhatt, B.P. 1994. Folk Utilization of some Pteridophytes of Deoprayag area in Garhwal Himalaya: India. Economic Botany, 48(2) : 146–151.
- Hope, C.W. 1904. The ferns of North-Western India including Afghanistan, the Trans-Indus Protected states and Kashmir. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 15: 415-419
- Jenkins, C.R.F. and Dulawat, C.S. 2009. A summary of Indian Chelanthoid ferns and the discovery of Negripteris (Pteridaceae), an afro-arabian fern genus new to India. Fern Gaz.,18(5): 216-229.
- Jhariya, M.K., Bargali, S.S., Swamy, S.L. and Kittur, B. 2012. Vegetational structure, diversity and fuel load in fire affected areas of tropical dry deciduous forests in Chhattisgarh. International Journal of Plant Research, 25 (1): 210-224.
- Kapoor, S.K. 1985. Contributions to the pteridophytic flora of Jammu & Kashmir. J Econ Tax Bot, 6: 503-514.
- Kazanis, D. and Arianoutsou, M. 2004. Long-term post-fire vegetation dynamics in Pinus halepensis forests of Central Greece: A functional group approach. Plant Ecology, 171: 101–121.
- Keith, D. 1992. Fire and the conservation of native bushland plants. National Parks Journal, 36(5): 20–22.
- Kiran, H.S. 2000. Pteridophytic flora of Poonch District of Jammu and Kashmir State, North-West Himalayas. Indian. Fern Journal, 17: 92- 105.
- Kreft, H., Jetz, W., Mutke, J. and Barthlott, W. 2010. Contrasting environmental and regional effects on global pteridophyte and seed plant diversity. Ecography, 33: 408– 419.
- Kubiak, P.J. 2009. Fire responses of bushland plants after the January 1994 wildfires in northern Sydney. Cunninghamia, 11(1): 131–165.
- Pande, P.C. 1973. Pteridophytic flora of Ranikhet. The Indian Forester, 99(1).
- Paul, S.K., Dixon, K.W. and Miller, B.P. 2014. The persistence and germination of fern spores in fire-prone, semi-arid environments. Australian journal of botany, 62(6) : 518-527.
- Punetha, N., Pant, A.K. and Kholia, B.S. 2004. Pteridophyte diversity of Kumaon (central himalaya). Plant diversity in India, 267-280.
- Scifres, C.J. and Hamilton, W.T. 1993. Prescribed burning for brushland management: The SouthTexas Example. Texas A&M Univ. Press, pp. 246
- Scott, A.C. 2010. Charcoal recognition, taphonomy and uses in palaeoenvironmental analysis. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 291: 11–39.
- Singh, N.P., Singh D.K. and Uniyal B.P. 2002. Flora of Jammu and Kashmir Vol-I. Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta.
- Stewart, R.R. 1942. The ferns of Mussoorie and Dehradun (150th Anniversary volume). R. Bot. Gard. Calcutta, 3: 159-172.
- Stewart, R.R. 1945. The ferns of Kashmir. Bull. Torrey Bot.Club, 72: 339-426.
- Stewart, R.R. 1946. The ferns of Pahlgam (Kashmir). J. Indian Bot. Soc., 30: 137-142.
- Tryon, R. 1986. The biogeography of species, with special reference to ferns. Bot.Rev. 52: 117–156.
- Verma, S. and Jayakumar, S. 2015. Post-fire regeneration dynamics of tree species in a tropical dry deciduous forest, Western Ghats, India. Forest Ecology and Management, 341: 75–82.
- Whelan, R.J. 1995. The ecology of fire (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge).
- White, A.S. 1985. Presettlement regeneration patterns in a southwestern ponderosa pine stand. Ecol., 66:589-594.
- Wright, H.A. and Bailey, A.W. 1982. Fire Ecology: In United States and Southern Canada. John Wiley and Sons, NY pp.501.
Belcher, C.M., Collinson, M.E. and Scott, A.C. 2013. A 450-Million-Year History of Fire. Fire Phenomena and the Earth System: An Inter disciplinary Guide to Fire Science, First Edition. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Benson, D. and McDougall, L. 1993. Ecology of Sydney plant species: Ferns, fern-allies, cycads, conifers and dicotyledon families Acanthaceae to Asclepiadaceae. Cunninghamia 3(2): 257–422.
Bergeron, A. and Pellerin, S. 2013. Pteridophytes as indicators of urban forest integrity. Ecological Indicators, 38: 40–49.
Bir, S.S. 1963. Observations on the pteridophytic flora of Simla hills (North-Western Himalayas). Bull. Bot. Surv. India, 5: 151-161.
Caprio, A.C. 1994. Fire effects and vegetation response in a madrean oak woodland, southeastern Arizona. M.Sc. thesis, School of renewable natural resources, University of Arizona.
Collinson, M.E. 2002. The ecology of Cainozoic ferns. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 119: 51–68.
De Luis, M., Raventós, J. and González-Hidalgo, J.C. 2006. Post-fire vegetation succession in Mediterranean gorse Shrublands. Acta Oecologica, 30: 54-61.
Dheer, K.K. and Sheera, P.S. 1975. Ecological and phytogeographical observations on the pteridophytes of Dharamsala hills (N.W. Himalayas). Nova Hedwigia Z.Kryptogamen, 26: 353-371.
Gaur, R.D. and Bhatt, B.P. 1994. Folk Utilization of some Pteridophytes of Deoprayag area in Garhwal Himalaya: India. Economic Botany, 48(2) : 146–151.
Hope, C.W. 1904. The ferns of North-Western India including Afghanistan, the Trans-Indus Protected states and Kashmir. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 15: 415-419
Jenkins, C.R.F. and Dulawat, C.S. 2009. A summary of Indian Chelanthoid ferns and the discovery of Negripteris (Pteridaceae), an afro-arabian fern genus new to India. Fern Gaz.,18(5): 216-229.
Jhariya, M.K., Bargali, S.S., Swamy, S.L. and Kittur, B. 2012. Vegetational structure, diversity and fuel load in fire affected areas of tropical dry deciduous forests in Chhattisgarh. International Journal of Plant Research, 25 (1): 210-224.
Kapoor, S.K. 1985. Contributions to the pteridophytic flora of Jammu & Kashmir. J Econ Tax Bot, 6: 503-514.
Kazanis, D. and Arianoutsou, M. 2004. Long-term post-fire vegetation dynamics in Pinus halepensis forests of Central Greece: A functional group approach. Plant Ecology, 171: 101–121.
Keith, D. 1992. Fire and the conservation of native bushland plants. National Parks Journal, 36(5): 20–22.
Kiran, H.S. 2000. Pteridophytic flora of Poonch District of Jammu and Kashmir State, North-West Himalayas. Indian. Fern Journal, 17: 92- 105.
Kreft, H., Jetz, W., Mutke, J. and Barthlott, W. 2010. Contrasting environmental and regional effects on global pteridophyte and seed plant diversity. Ecography, 33: 408– 419.
Kubiak, P.J. 2009. Fire responses of bushland plants after the January 1994 wildfires in northern Sydney. Cunninghamia, 11(1): 131–165.
Pande, P.C. 1973. Pteridophytic flora of Ranikhet. The Indian Forester, 99(1).
Paul, S.K., Dixon, K.W. and Miller, B.P. 2014. The persistence and germination of fern spores in fire-prone, semi-arid environments. Australian journal of botany, 62(6) : 518-527.
Punetha, N., Pant, A.K. and Kholia, B.S. 2004. Pteridophyte diversity of Kumaon (central himalaya). Plant diversity in India, 267-280.
Scifres, C.J. and Hamilton, W.T. 1993. Prescribed burning for brushland management: The SouthTexas Example. Texas A&M Univ. Press, pp. 246
Scott, A.C. 2010. Charcoal recognition, taphonomy and uses in palaeoenvironmental analysis. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 291: 11–39.
Singh, N.P., Singh D.K. and Uniyal B.P. 2002. Flora of Jammu and Kashmir Vol-I. Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta.
Stewart, R.R. 1942. The ferns of Mussoorie and Dehradun (150th Anniversary volume). R. Bot. Gard. Calcutta, 3: 159-172.
Stewart, R.R. 1945. The ferns of Kashmir. Bull. Torrey Bot.Club, 72: 339-426.
Stewart, R.R. 1946. The ferns of Pahlgam (Kashmir). J. Indian Bot. Soc., 30: 137-142.
Tryon, R. 1986. The biogeography of species, with special reference to ferns. Bot.Rev. 52: 117–156.
Verma, S. and Jayakumar, S. 2015. Post-fire regeneration dynamics of tree species in a tropical dry deciduous forest, Western Ghats, India. Forest Ecology and Management, 341: 75–82.
Whelan, R.J. 1995. The ecology of fire (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge).
White, A.S. 1985. Presettlement regeneration patterns in a southwestern ponderosa pine stand. Ecol., 66:589-594.
Wright, H.A. and Bailey, A.W. 1982. Fire Ecology: In United States and Southern Canada. John Wiley and Sons, NY pp.501.