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Soil pH and the availability of essential micronutrients is a deciding factor for vegetable production. Major nutrients i.e. nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, micronutrients are critical elements in enhancing vegetable growth and productivity. The present study focused on the micronutrient status of a vegetable growing area i.e. Shanshahpur village of Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. Spatial variability maps were prepared from 50 samples collected from individual vegetable intercropping system from farmer’s field for all the micronutrient element i.e. Fe, Mn, Zn & Cu respectively. Most of the soils of the vegetable growing area of Shanshahpur were alkaline (7.99-8.72) in nature and lies within a safe range of electrical conductivity (<0.20 dSm-1). However, a medium range of soil organic carbon (0.50-0.75%) status was observed throughout the area. According to the variability map for micronutrient status there was a medium to high status for available Cu (0.81 mgkg-1) but in contrast available Fe and Zn content of the vegetable growing lies in low status category(2.00-13.15mgkg-1 and 0.02-2.26 mgkg-1 respectively). Available Mn status was seen reduced with increased alkalinity (9.08-0.74 mgkg-1). But most of the micronutrients were deficient for vegetable production because maximum number of soil samples lies in alkaline category which throws a scope towards amelioration of the vegetable growing soils for reducing its pH.


Anthropogenic factors Geostatistics Intervropping Micronutrients Spatial variability

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How to Cite
Sahoo, K. chandra, Das, R. ., & Sharma, P. K. . (2022). Spatial variability map of micronutrients in vegetable growing area of Varanasi. Environment Conservation Journal, 23(1&amp;2), 227–233.


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