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Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb. commonly identified as ‘rudraksha’, belonging to Elaeocarpaceae possess a great religious, spiritual and materialistic significance which is placed under the threatened category in the tropical wet evergreen forests of North East India. Because of its over-exploitation, poor germination, low viability rate and hard seed coat, an attempt has been done for mass production of planting materials through cuttings and air layering’s. Cuttings trials were conducted during three different periods, mid - March, mid – July and mid – November by using Indol butyric acid and Napthalene acetic acid of 1000, 2000, 4000, 6000 ppm where air layering’s were done during mid - May by treating IBA and NAA solution of 500, 1000 and 2000 ppm in combination with para-hydroxybenzoic acid of 2000 ppm as synergist. Application of IBA and NAA of different concentration did not encourage the growth in the cuttings in all three periods. Air layering’s treated with NAA 1000 ppm+2000ppm para- hydroxy benzoic acid and IBA 500 ppm +2000ppm para- hydroxy benzoic acid resulted the highest and same value of callusing and rooting percent (70 and 66.67%), respectively while minimum callusing and rooting percentage (56.67 and 51.67%) was recorded in control. The present study focused on the mass production of planting materials in shorter duration with a reasonable cost for enhancing production as well as socio-economic conditions.


Air layering Callusing Indole-3-butyric acid Rudraksha Synergist

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How to Cite
Rai , A. ., Dey, A. N., Bhowmick, N. ., Panda, M. R. ., S. , D. ., & Sarkar, B. (2022). Impact of growth hormones on vegetative propagation of Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb . Environment Conservation Journal, 23(1&2), 164–171.


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