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Forest is an essential part or backbone of the earth ecological system. In a country like India, the people and the economy of nation is mainly relies on the diversity of natural resources. In today's world degradation of forest resources is a prime concern for many of the scientists and environmentalists because the canvas had been transformed from last few decades to cultivated and non-cultivated land. In India, Haryana state has lowest forest cover i.e. 3.59% followed by Punjab 3.65%. Over the several decades, the advancement of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS) technique has emerged as an efficient tool to monitor and analyse deforestation rate in hilly areaor over a variety of location. Remote sensing based vegetation indices show better sensitivity than individual band reflectance and hence are more preferred for assessment and monitoring of tress. The aim of the present study was to analyse the deforestation in hilly areas in Haryana State (India) by remote sensing data with a special focus on Panchkula and Yamunanagar. The information was collected through the LANDSAT 8 satellite of NASA. The result revealed that the deforestation rate is high in Hilly areas of Haryana. The study shows that the forest cover in hilly areas of Haryana in 2013 was 50,879.07 hectares and in 2019 it was 44,445.51 hectares of land. Thereby decrease in forest cover of 6,433.56 hectares had been observed in the study period of 2013-2019 i.e. 6 years. Spatial variations in deforestation were also mapped in GIS for the hilly areas in Panchkula and Yamunanagar districts of Haryana.



Deforestation Forest resources Geographical Information System (GIS) Landsat Remote Sensing

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How to Cite
Jangra, A., Airon, A., & Niwas, R. (2020). A study on deforestation in hilly areas of Haryana using Remote Sensing and GIS technique. Environment Conservation Journal, 21(3), 69–77.


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