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The experiments were carried out at AICRP on Dry Land Agriculture, University of Agricultural Science, GKVK, Bengaluru to study the “Phenotypic correlation and regression of hydroponics maize fodder as influenced by seed rate, nutrient sources and spray schedule” during 2017-2018. The results of revealed significantly positive correlation between fodder yield per kg seed and yield parameter like total fresh weight of fodder per kg seed (r=0.95**), total dry weight per kg of seed (r=0.86*), growth parameters like shoot length (r= 0.90**), root length (r=0.85*) and seedling vigour (r=0.84*), physiological parameters like water use efficiency (r=0.86*), relative water content (r=0.91*) and SPAD (r=0.92**). With respect to nutrition study correlation coefficients of traits with fodder yield revealed positive correlation growth components like shoot length (r=0.90**), root length (r=0.74**), seedling vigour (r=0.86**) and dry matter accumulation (0.97**), yield parameters like Total fresh weight of fodder (r=0.96**), individual fresh weight of plant (r=0.95**) and individual dry weight of plant (r=0.97**), physiological parameters like SPAD (r=0.78**) and WUE (r=1.00**), quality parameters like nitrogen content, crude protein, crude fibre and total carbohydrates (r=0.927**, 0.927**, 0.770* and 0.905**, respectively). The study revealed significantly higher fodder yield with two combined sprays of urea and MOP each @ 1 per cent at 3rd and 10th Days after sowing (DAS) with 2.5 kg m-2 under hydroponic conditions.


Correlation Foliar spray Fresh fodder yield Regression Seed rate

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Author Biography

Thimmegowda M N, AICRP for Dry land Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru

2Professor (Agronomy), AICRP for Dryland Agriculture, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru- 560 065

How to Cite
Ningoji, S. N., & M N, T. (2021). Phenotypic correlation and regression of hydroponics maize fodder as influenced by seed rate, nutrient sources and spray schedule. Environment Conservation Journal, 22(3), 253–264.


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