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Current study was conducted in cotton growing belt of South Gujarat (Gujarat) i.e. in 11 talukas namely, Bharuch, Surat, Jhagadia, Jambusar, Amod, Vagra, Narmada, Tilakwada, Dediapada, Sagbara and Hansot. To fullfil the objectives of present research GPS based 22 nos. of pedons representative (11 irrigated and 11 rainfed situation) were dug out, studied and depth-wise samples (0-15, 15-30, 30-60, 60-90 and 90-120 cm) of above 11 talukas were collected. During course of study it was observed that available N, P2O5, K2O, S and DTPA-Fe and Zn in irrigated pedons, varied respectively from 111.4 to 303.2 kg ha-1 (low to medium), 17.1 to 63.3 kg ha-1 (low to high), 221.4 to 1164.8 kg ha-1 (medium to very high), 6.5 to 20.1 ppm (low to marginally high), 2.47 to 10.42 mg kg-1 (low to high) and 0.06 to 0.51 mg kg-1 (low to medium), while the corresponding values of rainfed pedons were 94.7 to 299.8 kg ha-1 (low), 10.8 to 57.1 kg ha-1 (low to marginally high), 160.7 to 1180.7 kg ha-1 (medium to very high), 6.2 to 18.7 ppm (low to medium), 1.63 to 10.27 mg kg-1 (low to high), and 0.08 to 0.48 mg kg-1 (low), respectively. Means of above available nutrients were found slightly higher under irrigated situations in comparison compared to those of rainfed situation.


Cotton nutrients Vertisol Inceptisol irrigated rainfed

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How to Cite
Bambhaneeya, S., Garaniya, N. H. ., Patel, K. H. ., & Surve , V. . (2021). Profile distribution of available nutrients in a Vertisol and Inceptisol as influenced by irrigated and rainfed cotton crops. Environment Conservation Journal, 22(3), 187–196.


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