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A total of eighteen groundwater sources were sampled over a year to study physico-chemical properties and heavy metal content of ground water in and around the integrated industrial estate of Haridwar. Study area included locations with in approximately 5 kms around the industrial area. Samples taken were representative of different land uses including the ecosensitive zone of Rajaji National park. Ground water quality in the study area exceeds permissible standard limits for conductivity, hardness, alkalinity, nitrate, total solids and total dissolved solids at some locations. Total alkalinity in the study area was found to be maximum in summer (574.67 mg/l) at the Railway station area and minimum (85.33 mg/l) in rainy season.  Nitrate levels were found to be maximum in winter (1291.61 mg/l) at the rural area. Chloride level in the study area was found to range from a minimum (12.67 mg/l) in summer to a maximum (169.33 mg/l) in winter. Highest sulphate level (192.67 mg/l) was recorded at the rural area. Chromium and iron levels were found to exceed standard limits at almost all locations in the study area.


water quality , integrated industrial estate groundwater pollution

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Khanna, D. ., Bhutiani, R. . ., & Kulkarni , D. B. . (2013). Seasonal variation in ground water quality in and around Integrated Industrial Estate (IIE) Haridwar, India. Environment Conservation Journal, 14(3), 33–40.


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