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The objective of the present study was to study equilibrium isotherm for the sorption of Nickel ions onto coal fly ash. In this study, BET adsorption isotherm was found to be best fitted among  Langmuir, Freundlich, BET, Temkin and Harkins Jura adsorption isotherms using lest square fit method. The best fit adsorption isotherm   is assessed by the linear coefficient of determination (R2) and non-linear Chi-square test. The theoretical value of qe calculated from the best fit linear equation of each adsorption isotherm and the experimental values of qe (0.08) are plotted against Ce, to compare the experimental and Theoretical value of qe.


Adsorption chi square test fly Ash isotherms models nickel

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Agarwal, A. K. ., Kadu, M. S. ., Pandhurnekar, C. P. ., & Muthreja, I. L. . (2014). Equilibrium isotherm studies for the sorption of Nickel ions onto coal fly ash. Environment Conservation Journal, 15(1&2), 153–159.


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