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Trees act as a sink for CO2 by fixing carbon during photosynthesis and storing surplus carbon as biomass which alter through time as trees grow, die and decay. There is uncertainty about the extent of carbon stored in forests by trees. 28 species belonging to 20 families were studied to demonstrate relationship among carbon sequestration which was half the tree biomass. Total carbon sequestration was 448.044 tonnes dominated byTectona grandis L.F., Butea monosperma (Lam) Taub and Diospyrosmelanoxylon Roxb. The deviation in carbon sequestration was observed due to girth, height, biomass, native place and economic importance of species. Statistically a positive correlation of 0.966 was found between the total number of trees and total carbon sequestration.


Carbon emission carbon sink girth height total above ground biomass tropical dry deciduous forest

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How to Cite
Pilania , P., Gujar, R., & Panchal, N. . (2014). Carbon sequestration by different tree species in tropical dry deciduous forest of Panchmahal District (Gujarat) in India. Environment Conservation Journal, 15(3), 101–107.


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