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The study aimed at determining the seasonal variations of physico-chemical aspects and their effects on diversity of desmids in Shahpura Lake of Bhopal, India. The physico-chemical parameters of the Lake, like, water temperature, transparency, pH, DO, total hardness, calcium hardness, chloride, phosphate, and nitrate were studied and data analyzed. The Desmidaceae taxa of  winter, summer, monsoon and post monsoon seasons from December 2006 to November 2007 have been identified, resulting 36 species in 5 genera, and their monthly variations are presented.


Desmid diversity eutrophication green algae isthmus limnological study Shahpura Lake

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Agrawal , B. . (2016). Seasonal variations of physico-chemical factors and diversity of desmids (Algae) in Shahpura lake of Bhopal, India. Environment Conservation Journal, 17(1&2), 67–72.


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