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The present study was conducted on Pinus roxburghii (chir) forests of Rajouri Forest Division in Jammu & Kashmir State to assess the temporal variations of carbon biomass and C storage between 1995-96 and 2015-16. Results of present study unveil that despite an increase of Chir tree density from 132.60 trees/ha during 1995-96 assessment to 197.61 trees/ha during 2015-16, the growing stock as well as aboveground tree biomass of Chir forests, which were 16.28 lac m3 and 9.73 lac tonnes in 1995-96, declined to 12.10 lac m3 and 7.24 lac tonnes, respectively by 2015-16. Similarly, the total C stocks of Chir forests (aboveground + belowground), which stood at 5.90 lac tonnes during 1995-96, declined to 4.39 lac tonnes; a decrease of 25.59% in assessment period. In line with these changes, the C density of these forests also witnessed a decline from 58.95 Mg ha-1 to 43.84 Mg ha-1. Such declining trends definitely indicate forest degradation; poor forest health, cumulatively attributed to excessive removals, skewed distribution of Chir trees, subdued movement of trees from lower to higher diameter classes and increased anthropogenic pressure on forests in the division.
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- Annonymous 2013. Digest of Forest Statistics. Jammu and Kashmir Forest Department.
- Ashton, M.S., Tyrrell, M.L., Spalding, D. and Gentry, B., 2012. Managing Forest Carbon in a Changing Climate. Springer, NewYork.
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- Brown , S., 1997. Estimating Biomass and Biomass Change of Tropical Forests: A Primer. Volume 134 of FAO Forestry Paper ; FAO, Rome. 55p.
- Calle, L., Canadell, J.G., Patra, P., Ciais, P., Ichii, K., Tian, H., Kondo, Masayuki., Piao, S., Arneth, A., Harper, A.B., Ito, A., Kato, E., Koven, C., Sitch, S., Stocker,B.D., Vivoy, N., Witshire., Zachle, S. and Poulter, B., 2016. Regional carbon fluxes from land use and land cover in Asia, 1980-2009.
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- Mokany, K.., Raison, J. R. and Prokushkin, A. S. ,2006. Critical analysis of root: shoot ratios in terrestrial biomes. Global Change Biology, 12: 84-96.
- Ngo, K.M., Turner, B.L., Muller-Landau, H.C., Davies, S.J., Larjavaara, M., Hassan, N.F.N. and Lum, S., 2013.Carbon stocks in primary and secondary tropical forests in Singapore. Forest Ecology and Management; 296: 81-89.
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- Page, S.E., Siegert, F., Rieley, J.O., Bpoehm, H.D.V., Jaya, A. and Limin, S., 2002. The amount of carbon released from peat and forest fires in Indonesia during 1997. Nature 420 (6911): 61-65.
- Pan, Y., Birdsey, R.A., Fang, J., Houghton, R., Kauppi, P.E., Kurz, W.A ., Phillips, O.L., Shvidenko, A., Lewis, S.L., Canadell, J.G., Ciais, P., Jackson, R.B., Pacala, S.W., McGuire, A.D., Piao, S., Rautiainen, A., Sitch, S. and Hayes, D., 2011. A large and persistent carbon sink in the world’s forests. Science 333 (6045):988–993.
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- Plantinga, A.J. and Richards, K.R., 2008. International forest carbon sequestration in a post-Kyoto agreement. Discussion paper 2008-11 ; Harvard Project on International Climate Agreements, Cambridge, MA.
- Prentice, I.C ., and Fung 1990. The Carbon cycle and atmospheric carbon dioxide. IIIrd IPCC Report, Chapter 3:183-239.
- Purves, D. and Pacala, S., 2008. Predictive Models of Forest Dynamics . Science Vol.320:1452-53.
- Ravindranath, N.H., Somashekhar, B.S. and Gadgil, M.,1997. Carbon flows in Indian forests. Climatic Change 35:297–320.
- Reddy, C. Sudhakar., R.F., Jha, C.S., Athira, K., Singh, Sonali., Alekhya., Padma, V.V.L., Rajashekar, G., Diwakar, P.G. and Dhadwal, V.K., 2016. Geospatial assessment of long term changes in carbon stocks and fluxes in forests of India (1930-2013). Global and Planetary Change.143: 50-65.
- Shah, S., Sharma, D.P., Pala, N.A., Tripathi, P. and Kumar, M., 2014. Temporal variations in Carbon stocks of Pinus roxburghii Sargent forests of Himachal Pradesh, India. J. Mt. Sci. 11(4) : 1-8.
- Sheikh, M.A., Kumar, M., Munesh.., Bussman, R.W. and Todaria, N.P., 2011. Forest carbon stocks and fluxes in physiographic zones of India. Carbon Balance and Management, 6(15): 1-10.
- Singh , S.S., Adhikari, B.S. and Zobel, D.B.,1994. Biomass, productivity, leaf longevity, and forest structure in the central Himalaya. Ecological Monographs 64: 401-421.
- Smith, T.M., Cramer, W.P., Dixon, R.K., Leemans, R., Neilson, R.P. and Solomon, A.M., 1993. The Global Terrestrial Carbon Cycle . Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 70 : 19-37.
- Uniyal, D.P., Verma, S.K.., Sharma, S.K. and Sharma, V.K.,2002. Provenance variation in the specific gravity of wood of Chir pine (Pinus roxburghii. Sarg.). Indian Forester; : 1295-1301.
- Ussiri, D.A.N and & Lal, Rattan. 2017. Carbon sequestration for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. Springer Nature, Switzerland.
Annonymous 2013. Digest of Forest Statistics. Jammu and Kashmir Forest Department.
Ashton, M.S., Tyrrell, M.L., Spalding, D. and Gentry, B., 2012. Managing Forest Carbon in a Changing Climate. Springer, NewYork.
Beer, C., Reichstein, M., Tommelleri, E., Ciasis, P., Jung, M., Carvalhais, N., Roedenbeck, C., Arain, M.A., Baldocchi, D., Bonan G.B., Bondeau, A., Cescatti, A., Lasslop, G., Lindroth, A., Lomas, M., Luyssaert, S., Margolis, H., Oleson, K.W., Roupsard,O., Veenendaal, E., Viovy, N., Williams, C., Woodward, F.I and Papale, D., 2010. Terrestrial gross carbon dioxide uptake: global distribution and co-variation with climate. Science 329 ( 5993) : 834-838.
Bhat , D. M. and N. H. Ravindranath 2011. Above-Ground standing biomass and carbon stock dynamics under a varied degree of anthropogenic pressure in Tropical rain forest of Uttar Kannada District, Western Ghats, India. Taiwania. 56 (2): 85–96.
Brown , S., 1997. Estimating Biomass and Biomass Change of Tropical Forests: A Primer. Volume 134 of FAO Forestry Paper ; FAO, Rome. 55p.
Calle, L., Canadell, J.G., Patra, P., Ciais, P., Ichii, K., Tian, H., Kondo, Masayuki., Piao, S., Arneth, A., Harper, A.B., Ito, A., Kato, E., Koven, C., Sitch, S., Stocker,B.D., Vivoy, N., Witshire., Zachle, S. and Poulter, B., 2016. Regional carbon fluxes from land use and land cover in Asia, 1980-2009.
Chhabra, A., Palria, S. and Dhadwal, V.K., 2002 . Growing stock based forest biomass estimates for India. Biomass Energy; .22: 187-194.
Dar, Javid.A and Sundarapandian, S., 2013. Soil Organic Carbon Stock Assessment in Two Temperate Forest Types of Western Himalaya of Jammu and Kashmir, India .Forest Research 3(1): 1-5.
Dixon, R.K.., Houghton, R.A. , Solomon, A.M., Trexler, M.C. and Wisniewski, J., 1994. Carbon pools and flux of global forest ecosystems . Science, .263: 185-190.
FAO 2015. FAO Assessment of forests and carbon stocks, 1990-2015.
FAO, 2016 : State of the World’s Forests,; Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome..
Haripriya, G.,2003. Carbon Budget of the Indian Forest Ecosystem. Climatic Change. 56: 291-319.
Huang, Shengli., Liu, Shugang., Liu, Jinxun, Dahal, Davendra., Young, Claudia. , Davis, Brain., Sohi, Terri.l., Hawbaker, Todd.J., Sleeter, Ben and Zhu, Zhiliang., 2015. Projecting the spatiotemporal carbon dynamics of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem from 2006 to 2050.( 2015). Carbon Balance and Management,10 (7): 1-15.
IPCC, 2000. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Special Report on Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry. Cambridge University Press , Cambridge, UK.
IPCC, 2006a. Good Practice Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. Switzerland: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
IPCC, 2006b. Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories; Volume 4: Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use.
Kaul, Meenakshi., Mohren ,G.J.M and Dadhwal,V. K.., 2011. Phytomass Carbon Pool of Trees and Forests in India . Climatic Change. DOI 10.1007/s10584-010-9986-3.
Keenan, R.J., Reams., G.A., Achard, F., de Freitas, J.V., Grainger, A. and Lindquist, E., 2015. Dynamics of global forest area: results from FAO global forest resources assessment ,2015. For Ecol Manag 352 : 09-20.
Kishwan, J., Pandey, R. and Dhadwal, V.K., 2005. Technical Paper titled India’s Forest and Tree Cover : Contribution as a Carbon Sink. ICFRE, MoEF, Dehradun.
Manhas, R. K.., Negi, J. D. S., Kumar , Rajesh and Chauhan, P.S., 2006. Temporal Assessment of growing stock , Biomass and Carbon stock of Indian Forests. Climatic Change; 74: 191–221.
Millar, C.I., Stephenson, N.L. and Stephens, S.L. (2007). Climate Change and forests of the future: Managing in the face of uncertainty. Ecological Applications; Vol. 17(8): 2145-2151.
Mokany, K.., Raison, J. R. and Prokushkin, A. S. ,2006. Critical analysis of root: shoot ratios in terrestrial biomes. Global Change Biology, 12: 84-96.
Ngo, K.M., Turner, B.L., Muller-Landau, H.C., Davies, S.J., Larjavaara, M., Hassan, N.F.N. and Lum, S., 2013.Carbon stocks in primary and secondary tropical forests in Singapore. Forest Ecology and Management; 296: 81-89.
Olson, J. and Watts, J.A., 1982. Major World Ecosystem Complexes Ranked by Carbon in Live Vegetation, NDP-017, Carbon Dioxide Information Center, Oak Ridge.
Page, S.E., Siegert, F., Rieley, J.O., Bpoehm, H.D.V., Jaya, A. and Limin, S., 2002. The amount of carbon released from peat and forest fires in Indonesia during 1997. Nature 420 (6911): 61-65.
Pan, Y., Birdsey, R.A., Fang, J., Houghton, R., Kauppi, P.E., Kurz, W.A ., Phillips, O.L., Shvidenko, A., Lewis, S.L., Canadell, J.G., Ciais, P., Jackson, R.B., Pacala, S.W., McGuire, A.D., Piao, S., Rautiainen, A., Sitch, S. and Hayes, D., 2011. A large and persistent carbon sink in the world’s forests. Science 333 (6045):988–993.
Pan, Y., Birdsey, R.A., Phillips, O.L. and Jackson, R.B. 2013 The structure, distribution, and biomass of the world’s forests. Annu Rev Ecol Evol Syst 44:593–622.
Plantinga, A.J. and Richards, K.R., 2008. International forest carbon sequestration in a post-Kyoto agreement. Discussion paper 2008-11 ; Harvard Project on International Climate Agreements, Cambridge, MA.
Prentice, I.C ., and Fung 1990. The Carbon cycle and atmospheric carbon dioxide. IIIrd IPCC Report, Chapter 3:183-239.
Purves, D. and Pacala, S., 2008. Predictive Models of Forest Dynamics . Science Vol.320:1452-53.
Ravindranath, N.H., Somashekhar, B.S. and Gadgil, M.,1997. Carbon flows in Indian forests. Climatic Change 35:297–320.
Reddy, C. Sudhakar., R.F., Jha, C.S., Athira, K., Singh, Sonali., Alekhya., Padma, V.V.L., Rajashekar, G., Diwakar, P.G. and Dhadwal, V.K., 2016. Geospatial assessment of long term changes in carbon stocks and fluxes in forests of India (1930-2013). Global and Planetary Change.143: 50-65.
Shah, S., Sharma, D.P., Pala, N.A., Tripathi, P. and Kumar, M., 2014. Temporal variations in Carbon stocks of Pinus roxburghii Sargent forests of Himachal Pradesh, India. J. Mt. Sci. 11(4) : 1-8.
Sheikh, M.A., Kumar, M., Munesh.., Bussman, R.W. and Todaria, N.P., 2011. Forest carbon stocks and fluxes in physiographic zones of India. Carbon Balance and Management, 6(15): 1-10.
Singh , S.S., Adhikari, B.S. and Zobel, D.B.,1994. Biomass, productivity, leaf longevity, and forest structure in the central Himalaya. Ecological Monographs 64: 401-421.
Smith, T.M., Cramer, W.P., Dixon, R.K., Leemans, R., Neilson, R.P. and Solomon, A.M., 1993. The Global Terrestrial Carbon Cycle . Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 70 : 19-37.
Uniyal, D.P., Verma, S.K.., Sharma, S.K. and Sharma, V.K.,2002. Provenance variation in the specific gravity of wood of Chir pine (Pinus roxburghii. Sarg.). Indian Forester; : 1295-1301.
Ussiri, D.A.N and & Lal, Rattan. 2017. Carbon sequestration for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. Springer Nature, Switzerland.