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Green Building Concept is a sustainable approach in construction sector. It uses to reduce the impact on health of human and environment. Green Buildings developed through incorporating eco-friendly and energy efficient material, processes and operation. Adopting GBC in residential planning helps to develop sustainable environment. Thus, present investigation aimed to assess the attitude of people regarding Green Building Concept. For the purpose, a descriptive research was conducted in Udham Singh Nagar District of Uttarakhand where 60 male 60 females were randomly selected from 120 families for the assessment. An attitude scale (5 point- Likert scale-strongly disagree- strongly agree) was constructed, validated and used to congregate the required information. Cronbach’s alpha was calculated to measure the reliability/ internal consistency of the scale. The scale consisted of  aspects namely- meaning of green building,  measure of green building in terms of green material, energy and water saving, waste management and environmental issue. The data was analyzed in terms of frequency and percentage and chi square.


Green Building Concept Likert scale Cronbach’s alpha waste management sustainable environment awareness attitude residential buildings

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How to Cite
Bisht , H. ., & Vats , A. . (2017). Attitude of occupants towards green building concept in Udhamsingh nagar district of uttarakhand. Environment Conservation Journal, 18(3), 71–74.


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