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Pollen germination and pollen tube growth are prerequisites for fertilization in seed bearing plants. The present study deals with the morphology, production, pollen-ovule ratio, and effect of sucrose on in-vitro germination of pollen grains of Gloriosa superba L., family Colchicaceae. The G. superba L. pollen were radially symmetrical, prolate shape, 2-3 zonicolpate with striate surface. A single anther produced an average of 350,000 pollen grains. Pollen-ovule ratio was 58333.33/1. The maximum pollen germination (98.86%±0.641) along with 676.2µm pollen tube growth was observed in 5% sucrose solution, while in 20% sucrose concentration the germination percent decreased by 90% and the pollen grains’ cytoplasm also shrinked. The pollen viability was found 96.22% and 91.79% in IKI and acetocarmine stain respectively. The study is useful in determining the pollen production and potential pollination capacity of Gloriosa superba L., as it is found that the species is xenogamous (self-compatible). The findings will be useful in assessing the pollen vigour by monitoring the rate of germination over a period of time on the length of pollen tubes.


Gloriosa superba L. Pollen morphology Pollen/ovule ratio Pollen fertility Sucrose effect Garhwal Himalaya

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How to Cite
Tiwari, P. ., Uniyal , P. L. ., & Chaudhary, E. . (2017). Effect of sucrose on in-vitro pollen germination of Gloriosa superba L. - a medicinal plant from the Garhwal Himalaya, India. Environment Conservation Journal, 18(1&2), 183–187.


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