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Concerning ecological integrity, public health, and climate change, air quality is a crucial environmental concern. In emerging nations like India, in particular, rapid industrialization and urbanization have had a major negative impact on the quality of the air. Not an exception to this tendency is Meerut, a well-known city in the state of Uttar Pradesh. This study compares data from various locations, including industrial areas, commercial areas, residential areas, and roadside, to identify trends and potential sources of air pollution. It then evaluates the air quality at a few selected areas in Meerut City. The sampling of the air was performed monthly starting from January 2024 to June 2024 using the high-volume respirable dust sampler (Envirotech-ETC APM 415 BL) with a gaseous attachment. The study focuses on major air pollutants that are known to have negative impacts on both human health and the ecosystem, such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5). The data was processed to calculate the Air Quality Index (AQI) to rank the studied sites based on pollution and to make the data understandable to the common people. The obtained results revealed that at all the studied sites, values of PM10 (107.0-116.6 µg/m³) were found beyond the standard values of National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQ) values of 100 µg/m³, and the values of the rest of the analyzed parameters {PM2.5 (50.6-59.4 µg/m³), NO₂ (29.7-33.1 µg/m³), SO₂ (9.1-10.3 µg/m³), and CO (0.9 µg/m³)} were found within the NAAQ standard. Among all the parameters, PM10 was considered as the criteria pollutant because the subindex (Si) of PM10 (1.07-1.17) was found highest at all the sites. The subindex (Si) of CO (0.22-0.95) was found to be the lowest among all the studied parameters. Based on the AQI, we found the overall quality of air in the study area to be moderately polluted.


Air quality index (AQI) commercial sector education hub industrial sector residential sector

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How to Cite
Mukesh Ruhela, Rakesh Bhutiani, Rahul Kumar, & Ahamad, F. (2024). Air quality evaluation of Meerut city, Uttar Pradesh, India: A comparative analysis. Environment Conservation Journal, 25(4), 1155–1162.


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