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This study evaluated the toxicity of Dithane M-45, a common fungicide, in the freshwater fish species Labeo rohita. The lab-scale experiments were conducted to determine the concentration-dependent effects on fish mortality and behavioral changes. The median lethal concentration (LC50) values were identified as 190 mg/L at 48 hours, 170 mg/L at 72 hours, and 160 mg/L at 96 hours, indicating increased toxicity over time. Observations during the initial hour of exposure included pronounced behavioral responses such as jumping, increased movement, and frequent chelae scraping against body parts. These acute responses gradually subsided, with the fish returning to a more sedentary state within 36 hours. Subsequently, the fish settled at the bottom of the aquaria, displaying reduced activity. The gills and the inner linings of the branchiostegal began to produce mucus after 36 hours of exposure. This mucus production became more pronounced with prolonged exposure, particularly at the 96-hour mark. These findings suggest that Dithane M-45 has significant acute and subacute toxic effects on L. rohita, impacting both physiological and behavioral parameters. The findings showed the importance of monitoring and regulating the use of Dithane M-45 in aquatic environments to mitigate potential ecological and health risks.


Environmental contamination Ethological responses Fish physiology Fungicide toxicity Pesticide exposure Toxicological assessment

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How to Cite
Maurya, P. K., Jyoti, S., & Maurya, P. K. (2024). Acute toxicity of dithane M-45 in freshwater fish Labeo rohita: A laboratory study . Environment Conservation Journal, 25(4), 1113–1119.


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