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A field experiment was conducted during summer 2023 to assess the impact of inorganic fertilizers, vermicompost, FYM and biofertilizers on growth, yield and economic profile of Amaranthus tristis. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design (RBD) with nine treatments and three replications. The treatment combinations were T0: Control, T1: 100% RDF (60:30:20kg NPK/ha) + FYM 5t/ha, T2: 100% RDF + Vermicompost 4t/ha, T3:100% RDF+ Vermicompost 2t/ha + PSB + Azotobacter, T4: 75% RDF +FYM 5t/ha, T5: 75 % RDF + Vermicompost 4t/ha, T6:75 % RDF + Vermicompost 2t/ha +PSB + Azotobacter, T7: 75 % RDF instant mixture with incubated vermicompost 1t/ha (2g biofertilizer/kg vermicompost for 15 days) and T8: 100% RDF instant mixture with incubated vermicompost 1t/ha (2gbiofertilizer/kg vermicompost for 15 days). Among the treatments, the treatment T8 recorded maximum plant growth characters and highest leaf yield (142.54q), stem yield (187.85q) and crop yield (338.62q) per hectare were exhibited by the treatment T3. Economic analysis showed that the highest net return (Rs. 338942.00) was found in the treatment T8 with a benefit cost ratio of 4.06.


Fertilizers Leafy amaranthus Nutrients Plant growth Vermicompost

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How to Cite
Indurthi, S., Sarma, I., Gogoi, S., Kalita, B., Das, S., & Dutta, S. (2024). Impact of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield and economic profile of Amaranthus tristis L. Environment Conservation Journal, 25(4), 986–990.


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