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Fresh water is essential to human society and the survival of all terrestrial ecosystems. Despite the fact that India possesses a diverse range of fresh water resources, most systems are under pressure from anthropogenic activity, posing major threats to fish diversity. As a result, conservation and management are vital to the interests of all persons, nations, and governments, and thus the current research. Present research work done from November 2021 to October 2022. Approximately 17 species were collected and identified during the study of the Borda dam, belonging to 7 orders, 9 families, and 16 genera. Among them, 5 species were belong to the Order Cypriniformes, and Siluriformes each, 3 species to Order Perciformes, while the Orders Osteoglossiformes, Synbranchiformes, Beloniformes and Cichliformes comprises single species. As a result, the findings of our current study will provide significant information about the diversity of fish fauna in the Borda dam, which will be used in the future for monitoring, fisheries management, and conservation.
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- Dange, S.S., Rajput, K.H., & Babare, M.G. (2017). Fish diversity in relation to fish economics of Benetura reservoir from Murum district, Osmanabad (M.S.) India. Flora and Fauna 23(1), 215-219. DOI:
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- Lodhi, R.K., Singh, Y., Gurjwar, R.K., & Rao, R.J. (2020). Fish diversity of Atal Sagar dam in Shivpuri distrit, Madhya Pradesh, India. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research. Vol. 5 (4), 46-49
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- Sarkar, U. K., Sharma, J., & Mahapatra, B. K. (2015). A review on the fish communities in Damoh district. International journal of advance research, (4), 24-30. . DOI:
- Shinde, S.E., Pathan, T.S., Bhandare, R.Y., & Sonawane, D.L. (2009). Ichthyofaunal diversity of Harsool Savangi dam, District Aurangabad, (M.S) India. World Journal of fish and Marine sciences, 1 (3), 141-143.
- Sivakumar, R., Mathialagan, R., Chandrasekar, S., & Rajasekaran, N. (2018). Ichthyofaunal diversity and species richness of lower Anicut reservoir, Tamil Nadu, India: Recommendations and Conservation Action. Int. J. Zoo. Animal Biol., 2(1), 1-17.
- Uchchariya, R., & Sharma, D.K. (2020). A study of fish diversity of Pagara dam of Morena District, Madhya Pradesh. Int. J. of Life Sciences, 8 (2), 465-473.
- Vijayalaxmi, C., Rajshekar, M., & Vijaykumar, K. (2010). Fresh water fishes distribution the Indian reservoirs and enhancement of fisheries and aquatic environment. J. Aquac. Res. Dev., 6(1), 297.
- Vijayasree, T.S., & Radhakrishnan, M.V. (2014). Fish Diversity of Kuttanad River, Kerala State, India. Int. J. Fisheries. Aqua. Studies (IJFAS), 1(6), 55-
- Wani, A.O., & Gupta, S. (2015). A study on Ichthyofaunal diversity of Sagar Lake, Madhya Pradesh. India. Int. J. Biodiver. Conser, 7(3), 126 DOI:
Abell, R., Thieme M.L., Revenga, C., Bryer, M., Kottelat, M., & Petry, P. (2008). Freshwater ecoregions of the World: a new map of biogeographic units for freshwater biodiversity conservation. Bioscience, 58, 403–414. DOI:
Bhalerao, S.N. (2012). Study of Fish Diversity and Water Quality at Kasar Sai dam, Hinjewadi, Pune, MS, India. International Research Journal of Biological Sciences, Vol. 1(4), 51-55
Dange, S.S., Rajput, K.H., & Babare, M.G. (2017). Fish diversity in relation to fish economics of Benetura reservoir from Murum district, Osmanabad (M.S.) India. Flora and Fauna 23(1), 215-219. DOI:
Day, F. (1878): The fishes of India; Being a Natural History of the fishes known to inhabit the seas and freshwaters of India, Burma and Ceylon. Texts Atlas (Fourth Indian Reprint 1994) Jagmander book agency. New Delhi Text 778, Atlas, 204
Froese, R., & Pauly, D. (2023). Fish Base. Worldwide Web electronic publication., version (06/2023).
Jayaram, K.C. (2010). The freshwater fishes of India Region, 2nd edition. Narendra Publication House, Delhi. 616 p.
Kadam, U.S., & Gayakwad, J.M. (2006). Ichthyofauna of Masooli Reservoir, District Parbhani, Maharashtra, A study of Inland Reservoir Fishery in India, J. Aqua. Biol., 21 (2), 59-61.
Lodhi, R.K., Singh, Y., Gurjwar, R.K., & Rao, R.J. (2020). Fish diversity of Atal Sagar dam in Shivpuri distrit, Madhya Pradesh, India. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research. Vol. 5 (4), 46-49
Mahor, R.K., Kanhere, R.R., & Upadhyay, R.C. (2014). Studies on fish and fisheries resources of Tighra reservoir, Gwalior (M.P.) Indian J. Sci. Res. 1-4.
Mishra, N., & Pandey, D.N. (2016): Fish-diversity of Atarital dam at Mauganj, Rewa Madhya Pradesh, India. International Journal of Applied and Universal Research, Volume III, (V), 21-24.
Napit, M.K. (2013). Study of fish fauna of Bundelkhand region with special reference to diversity in Karala River, a tributary of Teesta River at Jalpaiguri district of West Bengal, India. IJABPT, 2(3), 47-58.
Patra, A.K., Sengupta, S., & Datta, T. (2011). Physico-chemical properties and Ichthyofauna and diversity status of Mullameri River, a minor tributary of Bheema River of Gulbarga District, Karnataka. Int. J. Systems Biol., 2, 1-9.
Pawar, S.K. (2017). The study on fish diversity in the Vishnupuri dam, Nanded (M.S.) India. Int. J. of Life Sciences, Vol. 5(1), 137-139.
Salve, B.S., Pawar, R.T., & Hiware, C.J. (2006). Ichthyofauna of Wanaprakalpa, Nagapur near Parli Vaijanath in Beed district of Marathwada region. India, AQUACULT Vol. 7(2), 322-326
Sarkar, U. K., Sharma, J., & Mahapatra, B. K. (2015). A review on the fish communities in Damoh district. International journal of advance research, (4), 24-30. . DOI:
Shinde, S.E., Pathan, T.S., Bhandare, R.Y., & Sonawane, D.L. (2009). Ichthyofaunal diversity of Harsool Savangi dam, District Aurangabad, (M.S) India. World Journal of fish and Marine sciences, 1 (3), 141-143.
Sivakumar, R., Mathialagan, R., Chandrasekar, S., & Rajasekaran, N. (2018). Ichthyofaunal diversity and species richness of lower Anicut reservoir, Tamil Nadu, India: Recommendations and Conservation Action. Int. J. Zoo. Animal Biol., 2(1), 1-17.
Uchchariya, R., & Sharma, D.K. (2020). A study of fish diversity of Pagara dam of Morena District, Madhya Pradesh. Int. J. of Life Sciences, 8 (2), 465-473.
Vijayalaxmi, C., Rajshekar, M., & Vijaykumar, K. (2010). Fresh water fishes distribution the Indian reservoirs and enhancement of fisheries and aquatic environment. J. Aquac. Res. Dev., 6(1), 297.
Vijayasree, T.S., & Radhakrishnan, M.V. (2014). Fish Diversity of Kuttanad River, Kerala State, India. Int. J. Fisheries. Aqua. Studies (IJFAS), 1(6), 55-
Wani, A.O., & Gupta, S. (2015). A study on Ichthyofaunal diversity of Sagar Lake, Madhya Pradesh. India. Int. J. Biodiver. Conser, 7(3), 126 DOI: