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The concentration of nitrates in ground water is observed to be increasing in the world in general and Asian countries in particular. Ground water is still a man source of drinking water especially in rural areas of Asian countries. Nitrates are known to cause methaemoglobinemia in babies and intestinal cancer due to formation of nitrosamines in general population. Several treatment processes for the removal of nitrates from drinking water have been studied. These processes comprise; vegetative de-nitrification, reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, catalytic reduction, chemical reduction, ion exchange and biological denitrification. Combinations of two methods like combined ion exchange-biological denitrification have also been studied. Every method have merits and demerits, however, the methods based on ion exchange for the removal of nitrates from drinking water and regeneration of resin by biological denitriflcation appear to have edge over other methods. This communication presents a review on existing denitrification processes and spells out needs for future research.
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- Adhikari S. K., Narayanan P. K., Thampy S. K., Dave N. J., Chauhan D. K. and lndu Sekhar V. K. 1991 Desaliantion of Brackish Water of Higher salinity by Electordialysis. Desaliantion and Water Reuse 4, 189-200. DOI:
- Akunna J. C., Bizeau C. and Maletta 1993. Nitrate and nitrite reductions with anaerobic aludge using various carbon sources: Glucose, Glycerol, acetic acid, Lactic acid and Methanol. Wat Res. 27, 1303-1312. DOI:
- Arthur W. Hounslow. 1995. Water Quality Data, Analysis and Interpretation. CRC Lewis Publishers.
- Bandpi A. M. and Elliott D. J. 1996. Nitrate removal from groundwater using an anoxic aerobic rotating biological contactor. Water Scl TechnoL 34, 323-330. DOI:
- Bandpi A. M. and Elliott D. J. 1998. Groundwater denitrification with alternative carbon sources. Water sci. Technol. 38, 237-243. DOI:
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- Barrenstein A., Kramer U. and Obermann P. 1986. Underground treatment of nitrate rich ground water by infiltration with treated wastewater, or methane rich natural gas.DVGW- Schriftenreihe, Wasser, Frankfort, West Germany, 106, 99-116.
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- Cheng I. F., Muftikian, Fernando Q. and Korte N. 1997. Reduction of nitrate to ammonia by zero valent iron. Chemosphere. 35 (11), 2689-2695. DOI:
- Chew Chin, F. and Zhang , T.C., 1998. In Situ Remediation of Nitrate Contaminated Ground Water by Electrokinetics/ Iron Wall Process. Wat Sci Tedi. 38, 135-142. DOI:
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- Clifford D and Liu Y. 1993. Ion exchange for nitrate removal.JAWWA. 85(4) 135-143. DOI:
- Dahab M. F., Guler G. A. and Rogalla F. 1991 Experience with nitrate treatment in the United States and Europe. Proceedings Annual Conference American Water Works Association, Philadelphia, PA. June 23-27.
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- Dahab M. F. and Woodbury B. L. 1998. Biological treatment Options for nitrate removal from drinking water, AWWA Inorganic Contaminants Workshop. San Antonio, TX, February 22-24
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- Flere J. M . and Zhang T. C. 1999. Nitrate removal with sulfur- limestone autotrophicdenitrification processes. J. of Env. Engineerign. 125,721-729. DOI:
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Gauntlett R. B. 1975. Nitrate removal from water by ion exchange. Water Treatment and Examination, 24, 172-193.
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Gupta S. C. 198 I. Evaluation of quality of well waters in Udaipur District. Indian Jour. Environ. Hlth. 23(3), 195-202.
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Hamzah Ziad Abu Gharah. I996. Biological denitrification of high nitrate water: Influence of type of carbon source and nitrate loading. J. En. Sci. & lllth. A31 (7), 1651-1668. DOI:
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Hoek J.P. and van der 1985. Biological/physical chemical nitrate removal from groundwater- an environmental and financial attractive alternative. Proceedings of the congress "Nitrates in Water". SITE 85, 22-24. October.
Hoek J. P., van der. Kappelhof J. W. N. M. and Hijnen W. A. M. 1992. Biological nitrate removal from ground water by sulphur/ime stone denitrificaton. J Chemical Technol. and Biotechnol. 54 (2), 197-200.
Hoek J. P.. van der, Hoek W. F., van der and Klapwijk A. 1998. Nitrate removal from ground water - Use of nitrate selective resin and low concentrated regenerate. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 37, 41-43. DOI:
Hoell W. and Feuerstein W. 1985. Combined Hardness and Nitrate/ sulphate removal from ground water by the carix ion exchange process. Water Supply. 3, 199-209.
Horold S., Tacke C. and Vorlop K. D. 1993. Catalytical removal of nitrate and nitrite from drinking water- I: screening for hydrogenation catalysis and influence of reaction conditions on activity and selectivity. Environmental Technology 14, 931-939. DOI:
Hounslow A. W. 1995. Water Quality Data, Analysis and Interpretation. CRC Lewis Publishers.
House of Lords 1989. Nitrate in Water. 16th Report, Session 1988-1989 of the Select Committee on the European Communities. HMSO, London.
Indushekhar V. K. Trivedi G. S. and Shah B.G, 1991. Removal of nitrate by electrodialysis desalination and water Re-use. volume 4, Proc. of Twelfth International Symposium. Institute of Chemical Engineers Rugby U.K., 15-18 April 1991.
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Kurt M., Dunn I. J. and Bourne J. R. l987. Biological denitrification of drinking water using autotrophic organisms with hydrogen in fluidized bed bio film reactor.Biotechnology Bioengineering. 29,493-501. DOI:
La Motta, Diaz E. and Andrade Salgado A. 1985. Autotrophic denitrification using sulphides. Plitechnica, Quito, Ecuador. 10, 65-76.
Lewandowski 1., Bakke R. and Characklis W. G. 1987. Nitrification and autotrophic denitrification in calcium alginate beads. Water Sci. Technol. 19, 175 -182. DOI:
Liang S., Mann M.A., Guter G. A., Kim P. H. S. and Hardean D. L. 1999.J4WA. 91 (2), 79-90. DOI:
Liessens J., Gennonpre R., Beernaert S. and Verstraete W. 1993. Removing nitrate with a methyotrophic fluidized bed: Technology and Operating Performance..J.AWWA. 85, 144-154. DOI:
Lin S. H. and Wu C. L. 1997. Nitrate removal from aqueous solution by ion exchange. Environ. Sci. Health. A32 (5), 1575-1589. DOI:
Lunkad S. K. 1994. Rising nitrate levels in groundwater and increasing N-fertilizer consumption.Bhu-Jal News, 4-10.
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