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Municipal  Solid Waste  (MSW)  is  a rich  source  of  organic  matter,  nitrogen,  phosphorous,  potassium  (NPK) and many trace  metals liked Cd, Cr, Cu,  Pb, Ni, Mn, Co, Fe etc.  MSW was composted  aerobically  for  seven  weeks. Physical  parameters   like  water   holding  capacity   (WHC),  Particle  size,  Bulk  density,   Porosity   and  Chemical parameters like pH, Electrical  conductivity (EC), Total  organic  carbon, NPK and eight heavy  metals (Cd,Cr,Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, Mn, Fe) were analyzed in compost during the process  of composting. Water  extractable  and available forms of  metals  were  also  estimated.   It  was  observed   that  there  was  significant  improvement  in  some  physical  and chemical properties  during composting  QWHC,  particle size,  pH, EC etc.).  There was  reduction  in availability and solubility of some  potentially  toxic  metals  like  Cd, Cr,  Pb, Ni and Zn.  Composting  of  MSW  can  thus provide  an environmentally  safe  product  which can be used for  soil amendment.


MSW Compost Heay Metals Availability Solubility

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Sur, M., Olaniya, M., & Pande, S. P. (2002). Studies on Changes in Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste due to Composting. Environment Conservation Journal, 3(2), 37–42.


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