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Sources and quality of drinking water were studies in the tribal belts of Chotanagpur plateau of Bihar. The main  sources of drinking water are: supply water, wells handpumps, streams, ponds, rivers and pitwater. Physjco-chemlcal parameter are within the permissible limits. But, the bacterial contamination  was  recorded in all the water  sources.  Due to  the use  of such contaminated water, the population suffers from diseases like diarrhoea, jaundice, amoebic dysentry, typhoid etc. It is advisable that such water must be treated before use.


Chotanagpurplateau tribal drinking water sources and quality water borne diseases

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Pandey, B., Das, P. L., Jha, A. K., & Ojha, A. K. (2000). Sources and Quality of Drinking Water in Relation to its Impact on Health with Reference to Tribal Groups of Chotanagpur Plateau. Environment Conservation Journal, 1(2&3), 85–88.


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