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Influence  of Star  paper mill effluent of  different concentration  on   biomass and  yield production  of four agricultural crop i.e. Solanum melongena (Brinjal), Cicer arietinum ( Black gram), Glycine max (Soyabean)and Lycopersicon esculentum (Tomato)  was  investigated  in the  field condition.  Variable  behaviour  on  pattern  of seed germination , root length, shoot length , root and shoot ratio was recorded . Similiarly all four crops showed variability with concentration of dose and yield production at harvesting stage.Biomass production was better in control ( only tap water) than plot irrigated up to 10% with effluent but was found suitable at 25% and after that it was deleterious for brinjal crop. However effluent was suitable at 5% dose of black gram and after that it showed adverse effect. Adverse effect of effluent on biomass production was recorded at all different concentration used in soyabean crop, but effluent above 50 % concentration showed a positive response for L.  esculentum crop.Similiarly crop yield in terms of number of fruits / plant and weight of fruits per plant showed variability for their  treated dose.  Number of fruits and their  weight  in Brinjal was found better in enhanced trend till 25%  and after that deleterious effect was noted while black gram respond positively only at 5% concentration. Similiarly maximum yield was found in soyabean at 5% concentration and above that deleterious effect was recorded. Progressive and positive trend at all concentration in weight of tomato fruit per plant was found.


industrial effluent biomass harvesting time

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How to Cite
Arora, S., Chopra, A. K., Prasad, G., & Joshi, N. (2005). Influence of Star paper mill effluent on biomass production and yield at harvesting time of different agricultural crops. Environment Conservation Journal, 6(1-3), 83–88.


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