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The present paper  deals with  the study  of Physico-chemical characteristics of a industrial effluents and  effluent treated soil.The  physico-chemical characteristics  suggested that effluent was  under the permissible limit as per ISI- guidelines. Therefore, there is no harm to use this water  for  irrigation  purpose.  The  pot experiments reflected that there was increase in  total  biomass  and  chlorophyll  content  in  effluent  irrigation plants. The most encouraging results were observed in 60% of effluent than 40% and 100 % . The higher concentration of effluent restricts growth of plants like Cicer arietinum.


Cicer arietinum Metalaid Industrial effluent Physico-chemical

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How to Cite
Agarwal, R. (2005). The impact of industrial effluent on Growth of Cicer arietinum. Environment Conservation Journal, 6(1-3), 69–73.


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