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Surface water of natural wetlands of Lucknow city was monitored as a part of comprehensive study of natural imbalance of nutrient ions such as PO4 , NO3, Cl and NH4. The common seasonal changes were recorded and statistically analyzed exhibiting a correlation of parameters and also the dependency of one on another. In summer where there is a loss of water due to evaporation results in more ionic concentrations, however, the rainy and winter seasons receives a different chemistry after a average spell of rain. Overall study presents  a seasonal variation in the ionic species  in water and its impact on the water chemistry.


Seasonal variation Nutrients correlation of parameters

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How to Cite
Srivastava, J., Chandra, H., & Singh, N. (2006). Seasonal Variation In Ionic Fluxing In The Fresh Water Bodies Of Lucknow City Of U.P. (India). Environment Conservation Journal, 7(1&2), 59–63.


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