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 A base  line  study  was  conducted  to  determine  the  impact  of  anthropogenic  activities  on  the  physico-chemical and  biological  factors  of the  river  Panar.  The  result  revealed  well  defined  seasonal  variation  .On  the  basis  of physico-che mical  and  biol ogi c al  parame ters  th e  ri ve r  appears  to  be  poll u ted.  On  th e  basis  of  Moyl e’s classification,   the  river  water  appeared  to  be  hard  type.  Likewise  on  the  basis  of phosphorous  and nitrogen  , the  investigated  water  body  may  be  categorized  as  moderate  trophic  level  .  The  bulk  of  phytoplankton   was shared  by Chlorophyceae   (9),  Myxophyceae  (8),  Bacillariophyceae  (9) and  Euglenophyceae   (1).  Many  of  algal species  out  of  the  total  27 reported  from  the  river  like  Euglena,  Microcystis,    Anabaena,Chlamydomonas  , and Spirulina    were  recognized  as  pollution  indicator  .   The  zooplankton   population  comprised  of  Rotifera  (19), Cladoce ra  (5)  and  Copepoda  (3).  Th e  zoopl ank ton  al so  c ompri se d  some  pol l uti on  tol e ran t  spec i es  l ik e Brachionus,  Keratella,  Moina,  Mesocyclops  , Cypris  , Ceriodaphnia  , Polyarthra  etc.  The  study  clearly  revealed  that the  aquatic  environment  of the  river has  undergone  degradation  and is not suitable  for  human  use.  Proper  remedial  measure s sh ould  be  take n  immedi ately  in  orde r to  restore  it  from  further  deteriorati on. There  must  be  al ternate  waste  disposal  system  away  from  th e  rive r  and  disposal  of  solid  and  li quid  waste must  be  stopped  forth  with.  Indiscriminate   fishing  practices  and retting  of  jute  should  be  stopped,  Planting of  some  toxicant  reducing  macrophytes  should  be  done  on  both  sides  of the  river.  There  is urgent  need  to  take up  widespread  conservation  and  education  programme  in  this  area  to  highlight  the  problem  of  pollution.


Seasonal Variation Physico-Chemical Characteristics Phytoplankton Zooplankton Water Quality

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Pandey, B., O.P. Ambasta, Jha, A. K., & Shambhu, K. (2007). Seasonal variation in physico-chemical and biological properties of river Panar (Bihar). Environment Conservation Journal, 8(3), 133–153.


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