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Myrica  esculenta  (Myricaceae)   commonly  known  as  Kaphal  is  a  small  aromatic  evergreen  tree,  abundantly grows   in  the   sub-tropi cal   Hi malaya   from   K ash mi r  to   Bh u tan .   Common l y  assoc i ate d  wi th  Oak   an d Rhododenderon   forests.  The  bark  of  the  tree  is  utilized  for its  astringent,  stimulant  and  resolvent  properties. The  decoction  of   the  bark  along  with  cinnamone  is given  in chronic  cough  and  piles.  The  bark  of   the  plant is used  as a  dye  in  ancient  Indian  traditions  and  also  as  a natural  mordant.  The  berries  of  the  plant  is one  of th e  ri ch est  source  of  wax,  u se d  as  a  raw  mate ri al  for  c an dl e  an d  soap  maki ng  i ndustrie s.  A  n umbe r  of flavonoids,  tannins,  Xanthones,  terpines  and  many  other  anthocyanins  have  been  isolated  from  the  different part  of  th e  plant.  The  pre se nt  pape r  de als  with  isolati on  and  ch arac te rization  of  se condary  metabol ites namely  2-methyl  pyrane  3-O--D-glucoside  and Flavone  3,’4,’  dihydroxy  6-methyl  7-O--L-rhamnopyranoside from  the  plant  and  optimization  of  dyeing  procedure  with  isolated  compounds  on  different  fibres  like  silk, wool,  cotton  etc  with  and  without  natural  and synthetic  mordants.  Efforts  will  be  made  to  check  the  washing and  ligh t  fastness  properties  of  dyed  samples.


dyeing spectroscopy Kaphal

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How to Cite
Janwgan, J., Dobhal, M., & Sati, S. C. (2007). Optimization of dyeing processes by compounds isolated from bark of Myrica esculenta and their spectroscopy identification. Environment Conservation Journal, 8(3), 59–62.


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