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Tagetes  erecta  belongs  to family  asteraceae  is  found  plentifully  in most  of the  places  of  India,  either  cultivated in  gardens  or  wild.  The  villagers  use  thi s plant  in  bron chial  asthma,  anusthans,  di ffe rent  ceremon y.  The pastes  of  flowers  were  often  applied  on  wound  and cuts  and  leaves  juice  dropped  in otalgia.  Tagetes  erecta  are richest  source  of  yellow  dyes  in  ancient  arts  of Rajasthan  and Orrisa.  The  present  communication   deals  with the  isolation  and  structure  elucidation  of  a  new anthraquinone   together  with  quercitin  and  loganic  acid.  The structure  of  compound  was described  with  the  help  of  spectral  data  and  chemical  studies.


Isolation anthraquinone plantkingdom

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How to Cite
Jangwan, J., Dobhal, M., & Sati, S. (2007). Isolation and Structure determination of new anthraquinone from the flowers of Tagetes erecta. Environment Conservation Journal, 8(3), 55–57.


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