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Present  study  was  carried  out  to  determine  level  of  tolerance  of  air  pollution  by  automobile  exhaust  of  few tree species viz, Mango (Mangifera indica),Sagon(Tectona grandis), Sal(Shorea robusta) and Eucalyptus around Haridwar.   On  th e  basi s of  total  c hlorophyll   conten t,  asc orbic  acid,  pH,  and  rel ative  moistu re  con tent,  air pollution  tolerance  index  value  (APTI)  of  above  tree  species  was  determined.  Highest  value  of  air  pollution tolerance  index  for polluted  site  was  recorded  for  Sal  (11.27)  and lowest  (7.19)  value  of APTI  was recorded  for Eu cal yptus,  whe reas  i n  con trol  site,  hi ghe st  value  (7.93)  val ue  of  APTI  was  observed  for  Sagon  (Tectona grandis)  and lowest  value  (6.01)  for Mango  (Mangifera  indica).  Thus  this  study  reveals  that  S. robusta  is  more suitable  species  to  work  as  pollution  sink  and  can  be planted  in areas,  which  are  facing  vehicular  pollution.


Air pollution tolerance index (APTI) Automobile pollution Photosynthetic pigments Ascorbic acid

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How to Cite
Swami, A., & Chauhan, D. (2007). Air pollution tolerance index of few plant species affected by auto exhaust pollution around Haridwar. Environment Conservation Journal, 8(3), 9–11.


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