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The water quality of Kishanpura lake is assessed in order to estimate its potency for fish culture. The present study deals with fish species diversity. During the study period 23 species of fishes were recorded, which belong to five orders, nine families and 17 genera. The present study was carried out at Kishanpura lake during a Apr 2005- Jan 2006.
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- Hamilton - Bachanan, 1822. An account ofthe fishes found in the river Ganges and its branches. Edinburg & London. Viii #405 PP 39 P.Datta, A. K. 1970 fauna ofRajasthan. India part-7 fishes Rec. Zoo. Survey India 62. DOI:
- Jhingran, V.G., 1982. Fish and Fisheries oflndiaHindustan Pub. Corporation India
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- Natrajan, A.V., 1985, Potential and prospects of inland fisheries in India. In harvest and post harvest technology of fish. Society offisheries technologists (India) Cochin. P.16-18.
- Nanda, S.N. and Tiwari, J.N., 2001. A survey of fish fanna in the Sambalpur- Hirakund-Burta region, Orissa. Environmental andpollution, 8 (1), P-43-44.
- Pathak, S. K. and Mudgal L.K., 2005, Limnology and Biodiversity offish fauna in Vida Rcscrvior M.P. (India), Environment conservation Journal 6(1) 41-45.
- Rema Devi, K. Indra, I999. On collection offish fauna from Chennai, Chenglepur and Thiruvallur districts ofTamil NaduRec. Zoo!. Survcyoflndia 97 part-4:151-166. DOI:
- Srivastava, GJ., 1980 Fishes ofEastem Utter Pradesh. Vishwavidyalya Prakashan, Varansi. P. 207.
- Sharma, A. and Mudgal L.K. 2004. Fish Diversity ofYeshwant Sagar Reservoir Indore (M.P.) Him J. En. Zool., Vol. 18(2)P. ll7-ll9.
- Singh, D.F., 1993 Fish diversity of the western Ghats. Draft report, SACON.
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- Vijay Kumar, K. and Paul, R., I990. Physico chemical studies on the Bhosga reservoir in Gulberga (Kamataka) ECO. Biol. 2:332-335.
A.P.H.A., 1998, Standard method for the examination of water and waste water, American Public Health Association, 20th Ed. New York.
Dubey, G.P. and Mehra, R.K., 1993 Fish and Fisheries of Charnbal river. Proc. AllIndia Zoo/. Congr. 1 (2) 647-665.
Das, S.K. and Chand B.K., 2003. Limnology and biodiversity of ichthyofauna in a pond of southern orissa India. J. Ecotox, ENV. Monit. 13(2): 97-102.
DayF., 1958. The fishes oflndia, William Dawson and sons, Ltd, London, Vol. LP. 777 and II P198.
Gupta, D.R. and Rao, K.S., 1978. Experimental studies on tagging as an effective technique in ageing and fish growth on Gandhisagar reservoir, Bioresearch. 2(182); 51 -1 8.
Hamilton - Bachanan, 1822. An account ofthe fishes found in the river Ganges and its branches. Edinburg & London. Viii #405 PP 39 P.Datta, A. K. 1970 fauna ofRajasthan. India part-7 fishes Rec. Zoo. Survey India 62. DOI:
Jhingran, V.G., 1982. Fish and Fisheries oflndiaHindustan Pub. Corporation India
Jayaran, K.C., 1994. the fresh water fishes oflndia Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma and Srilanka, Zoological Survey ofIndia, CalcuttaP. 475.
Lagler, K.F., 1956. Freshwater fishery biology, 2nd & W.M.C. Brown Co. Dnrbungue, 10 wa.
Natrajan, A.V., 1985, Potential and prospects of inland fisheries in India. In harvest and post harvest technology of fish. Society offisheries technologists (India) Cochin. P.16-18.
Nanda, S.N. and Tiwari, J.N., 2001. A survey of fish fanna in the Sambalpur- Hirakund-Burta region, Orissa. Environmental andpollution, 8 (1), P-43-44.
Pathak, S. K. and Mudgal L.K., 2005, Limnology and Biodiversity offish fauna in Vida Rcscrvior M.P. (India), Environment conservation Journal 6(1) 41-45.
Rema Devi, K. Indra, I999. On collection offish fauna from Chennai, Chenglepur and Thiruvallur districts ofTamil NaduRec. Zoo!. Survcyoflndia 97 part-4:151-166. DOI:
Srivastava, GJ., 1980 Fishes ofEastem Utter Pradesh. Vishwavidyalya Prakashan, Varansi. P. 207.
Sharma, A. and Mudgal L.K. 2004. Fish Diversity ofYeshwant Sagar Reservoir Indore (M.P.) Him J. En. Zool., Vol. 18(2)P. ll7-ll9.
Singh, D.F., 1993 Fish diversity of the western Ghats. Draft report, SACON.
Talwar, P.K. and Jinghran A.G., 1991 Inland fishes ofIndia and adjacent countries. Oxford & 1 BH publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. NcwDclhi. l 158.
Vijay Kumar, K. and Paul, R., I990. Physico chemical studies on the Bhosga reservoir in Gulberga (Kamataka) ECO. Biol. 2:332-335.