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The present study has been made to evaluate the impact of treated and untreated distillery effluent from M/s Devans Modern Breweries Ltd. Talab Tillo, Bohri, Jammu on seed germination, growth parameters and yield of Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia L. var. Jaunpuri Super Special). From the analysis of data and the impact of distillery effluent on various quantitative morphological features of Momordica charantia, it can be concluded that the Untreated Distillery Effluent is detrimental for the growth of plants whereas Treated Distillery Effluent without dilution is also harmful for agriculture.
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Babu, N.R. and Chakrabarti, S.P., 2002. Control and management ofenvironmental pollution inIndia-A review.In: Environmental pollution (Ed. Dr. B.D. Sharma), Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 34-62.
Banerjee, A.C., Bajwa, I. and Bahal, K.K., 2004. Effect of distillery effluents on growth of Casurina equisetifo/ia. Polln. Res., 23 (!), 179-182.
Chandra, R., Kumar, K. and Singh, J., 2004. Impact of anaerobically treated and untreated (raw) distillery effluent irrigation on soil microflora, growth, total chlorophyll and protein contents of Phaseolus aureus. J. Environ. Bio.,25 (4), 381-386.
Dayama, 0.P., 1987. Influence ofdyeing and textile water pollution on nodulation and germination of gram (Cicerarietinum L.).Acta Ecologica, 9 (1&2), 34-37.
Gupta, A. and Nathawat, G.S., 1992. Effect of textile effluent on germination and seedling growth ofPisum sativum var. RPG-3.ActaEco/ogica, 13 (2), 109-112.
Gupta, R., 1991. Toxic effects ofmercury on seed germination ofbean and mustard. Comp. Physio. Eco., 16 (1),43-45.
Kumar, K.T.R., Kumar, P., Patel, B. and Pushjalata, 1990. Effect ofchemical factory effluent on germination and growth ofGuar: Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L. Taub. var. PNB.Adv. Plant ScL, 3'(1), 34-42.
Patel, B., Kumar, P. and Kumar, K.T.R., 1990. Effect ofpharmaceutical factory eftluent on gennination, drymatter accumulation and crop productivity ofmustard plant Brassicajuncea L. Polln. Res.,9, 113-119.
Rajendrababu, S., 1987. Impact of potassium chromate contaminated well and reservoir water on seed germination and plant growth. Polin. Res., 6 (3&4), 97-99.
Ramana, S., Biswas, A.K. and Singh, A.B., 2002. Effect ofdistillery eftluents on some physiological aspects in Maize. Bioresour. Techno., 84 (3), 295-297. DOI:
Rampa!, R.K. and Dorjey, P., 2001. Studies on the effect of foam industry eftluent on Lens esculenta Moench var. Malika.Indian J.Environ. Prot, 21 (1), 14-17. Polln. Conl., 17 (1),165-169.
Sahai, R. and Srivastava, C., 1988. Effect of fertilizer factory waste on seed germination, seedling growth and pigment content ofplants. J. Indian Bol. Soc., 67 (3&4), 309-311.
Sahai, R. and Srinivastava, N., 1986. Effect of distillery waste on the seed germination, seedling growth and pigment content of Cajanus cajan L. J. Indian Botl. Soc., 65 (2), 208-211.
Sundararnoorthy, P. and Kunjithapatharn, J., 2000. Effect of paper mill eftluent on seed germination and seedling growth of six varieties of groundnut (Arachis hypogea). J. Ecotoxico. Environ. Monit., 10(1),53-57.