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Characiosiphon  belongs  to  the  order  Chlorococcales  of  the  class  Chlorophyceae.  It  was  reported  for  the   first time from India in 1936 by M. O. P. Iyengar who collected it from a stream situated   near   Tiruchirapalli (Tamilnadu). Later this green alga   was   reported   from   various   parts   of   the   country   i. e.   Gwalior   (Agarkar, 1953),  Tirupati  (Rao,  1954),  Jodhpur  (Bhandari,  1955)  and  Idore  (Sharma,  1958).   The  thallus  of   this  algae shows wide variations   with   respect   to   i ts   length,   width   and   the   number   and   shape   of   protoplasts.   The material  collected  from  Banihar  dam  of   West   Nimar   of   Madhya  Pradesh   shows   much   resembalance   with that  of  C.  rivularis  Iyengar  accept  that  it  possesses  larger  dimensions.   The   abnormalities   described   by Bhandari (1955) in C.  rivularis has not been observed in the  present  material. The  occurrence of  Characiosiphon is a new report from west Nimar district of Madhya Pradesh.


Phycology Fresh water algae Chlorophyceae Chlorococcales

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How to Cite
Mahajan, S. K. (2008). A new report of Characiosiphon fromwest Nimar District of Madhya Pradesh. Environment Conservation Journal, 9(3), 35–36.


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